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Bogus con of an eba...

Bogus con of an ebay ad..  

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Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 265
18/03/2008 8:32 pm  

Yep, Ric Keefer.
Yep, Ric Keefer.
I asked him about all the billions of other listings that said "Eames era" in the title and he said they only go after the ones that are for knockoffs of actual Eames designs. In other words, they won't bother with a listing for a 50s melamine bowl with "Eames Era" in the title, but they would go after my listing for that is titled "Plycraft lounge chair, Eames era".
This is a copy of his email:
Hello, I represent the Eames family. Thank you for making is clear this is not an authentic Eames chair. You are, however, using the Eames name to direct customers to this auction for an unauthorized reproduction of a protected design.
Normally, the family does not object to the phrase Eames Era or similar in an auction.
When the Eames name is used to sell something that is an infringement on a protected design that is more of a concern.
They would ask that you remove Eames from your listing, substitue a Modern Classic or something similar. They would prefer that the auction was removed but will agree to the title and desctiption changes only.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 947
18/03/2008 10:28 pm  

Well obviously
eBay denied his request to remove the auction. You are in the clear.
Won't his time would be better spent going after the type of seller/scammer in the first post of this thread? Seriously.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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18/03/2008 11:07 pm  

Who do you mean ?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
18/03/2008 11:41 pm  

the beloved is right wou...
the beloved is right would he not be better off going after a scammer rather than a lonely ebay seller trying to do the right thing.
Ric is more than likely a attorney with no real practice , more than likely a fresh law graduate practicing his law skills,
I doubt that the Senior Partner of Paul Wies, or Simpson Thather or Wiel Gotchel,
would be wasting his time and efforts, more than likely a freshly minted attorney on a rainy Saturday wanting to look good for the Eames family throw him a bone folks,

Noble Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 265
18/03/2008 11:49 pm  

This all happened a couple of years ago. He emailed me on a Saturday morning and the auction ended Sunday night. Since it was a weekend, I figured I could get away with taking no action. He should have emailed me right after it was listed if he wanted it changed. It had a lot of bids by the time he emailed me and once an item has a bid, you can't change the title. I would have had to cancel the listing, change the wording, and then relist it. Too big a pain in the neck for what seemed to be a rather half-hearted request.
I got around $700 for the chair. I had reupholstered it in black leather and it looked pretty good. I shipped it in a washing machine box to some dude in Florida who wanted it in time to watch the Superbowl. He was happy, I was happy, and Ric Keefer was never heard from again!

peter osullivan
Famed Member
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Posts: 338
19/03/2008 12:13 am  

"the family"
I love...
"the family"
I love that! he he

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