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Bodet slave flip cl...

Bodet slave flip clocks  


Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
19/06/2010 5:01 pm  

Hey all,

Just bought a trio of Bodet flip clocks, but they're all slaves... just wondering how to power this kind of thing, I understand I need an impulser of some kind, does anybody have any Bodet flip clocks and can you recommend me an impulser? Also - does it have to be wired or wireless?

thanks x

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
19/06/2010 5:05 pm  

oh and also - anyway to get...
oh and also - anyway to get these converted to normal clocks without damaging them or lowering their value?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 1721
20/06/2010 3:12 am  

Imagine how a normal flip clock works: There's a clock movement inside, powered by batteries or the mains, and once a minute it electrically releases a catch that allows the next digit to flip into view. [That's not EXACTLY how it works, but close enough for this discussion.]
Your slave clocks work like that, but with one difference: There's no clock movement inside; there's only the display with its flip mechanism. The slave clocks depend on an EXTERNAL clock movement -- a "master clock" -- to generate the electric signal that advances the clock display. That signal is carried on wires from the master to each slave, so they all keep synchronized time.
It's not hard to build an electronic device that keeps more-or-less accurate time and can replicate the master clock's clock-advance signal; that device is the "impulser" that you mentioned. If you can find an impulser that's small enough, you may be able to install one within the case of each of your slave clocks, thereby transforming them into "normal" clocks. There may even be room for batteries, so your clocks wouldn't need any external wires at all.
It would be cheaper, though, to just buy one impulser (or find a real master clock) and wire all the slaves to it.
If you buy an impulser, make sure that it works with your particular clocks; most wired master/slave systems just need a once-per-minute 24V pulse, but some want alternating +24V/-24V pulses, some want a pulse every half-minute, some are 12V, etc. I don't know what your clocks need.

New Member
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Posts: 1
10/02/2011 3:36 pm  

help needed to work slave flip clock
I have exactly the same problem - details of clock can be found below
(edited by DA - ebay link removed, picture added)
I would like to use my clock on the wall, without any wires connected to mains. Does anyone know what impulser i would need, or who i could contact to repair the clock for me. I am based in London, UK.
Any help would be incrediably appreciated


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