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Robert Leach
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07/12/2007 1:01 pm  

Like this ?

moto modernist
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07/12/2007 3:59 pm  

labour intensive
great image robert. I never seem to tire over variations of the greek key. Think hard before you commit to any substantial mosaic work. It's extremely labour intensive but ultimately so satisfying when seen to a conclusion. For anyone who hasn't tried it, it's a very straight forward process achievable with minimal tools. I find that it has therapeutic qualities especially with the addition of John Coltrane.
Is it possible to feel blue ? Not as in 'man, I got dem blues' but more like to actually touch blue.
The closest I've come to this was when I chose two Victorian eye-baths from my collection and taped them to my eye sockets. I went about my business at home for a couple of hours and totally felt like I had experienced Blue. The pleasantries of that situation were short-lived as I then changed a blue for a green which resulted in a strange bout of nauseous imbalance.

Big Television Man
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07/12/2007 8:50 pm  

To Robert1960
The Merrion is not quite as ornate as the Hearst Castle pool photo as it is a bit more understated in Dublin but yes the feeling is somewhat similar. Mosaic when done right does come across as fairly awesome. But I would agree that it must be incredibly labor intensive. Fortunately 1 inch tiles now come on backer sheets in square foot or better configurations. And blue in water environments, baths, pools, etc., does seem to work

Robert Leach
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07/12/2007 9:03 pm  

I think it does work with water, and outside in the garden too.
I just think it it difficult in the modern home unless, as Olive said, it is from either end of the range of blues
I used the best example of a blue mosaic swimming Pool I have ever seen, and will include the best blue exterior I know of-
The Morrocan garden that belonged to Yves St Laurent
Though I'm sure the north African light helps the colour somewhat

Sound & Design
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07/12/2007 9:11 pm  

Very nice Robert!
That's a stunning bathhouse. I tried google image searching, couldn't find anything that reflected my vision. But something lighter, not as thick with blue.

color expert
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13/12/2007 11:31 pm  

Blue just named Color of the Year 2008... you may be seeing more blue than ever.

Big Television Man
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14/12/2007 12:20 am  

How is it that Blue
is already the color of the year for 2008 when it is still 2007. Maybe it will be rejected within the marketplace within the year that hasn't even arrived yet. And who voted it color of the year, I never got a ballot, did you?

kdc (USA)
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14/12/2007 9:05 pm  

no vote
i think the people who named blue "color of the year" is probably the same group of folks who promote a new movie with "it's the one movie everyone is talking about" when seemingly no one has ever even heard about it.
so much for being "in the loop," eh?

Big Television Man
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14/12/2007 10:58 pm  

Closer examination of the post
indicates "Color Expert" and from some website that promotes paint or color or something. I think we just got a commercial for somebody else's website. Oh well. Personally I'll pass on Blue as "Color of the Year", in fact I think I'll wait for the movie to come out.

ite (BE)
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29/12/2007 8:06 pm  

Hi Robert,Yeaaas, well,...
Hi Robert,
Yeaaas, well, I disagree with you on this one Robert ! Blue does not feel bad to me at all & surely not for interior arty stuff.. :o.
I'll post my currently active Etsy treasury list of items i love to illustrate
I am into blue/ browns/ creams and a hint of orange for the moment. It feels like a good combination right now.

azurechicken (USA)
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29/12/2007 8:13 pm  

I am with you...but,not the orange part...I read BLUE has universally the highest favor,less negatives,cross culturally...

ite (BE)
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29/12/2007 8:44 pm  

blue ctu.
Hi Azure,
Nomen est omen, yes ? ;op Thought you might like blue. Why don't you like orange ? Do you feel it is too dominating in an interior ? What if it is only used very sparingly, e.g. only a couple of small vases & some hints in artworks ? Would you still mind or would you perhaps be okay with it in this setting ?
About blue: I once was a submitted to once of those horrendic test things - in this case you had to select two or three colorcards. The combination of cards you selected would say something about you. I think I picked a lovely bluetint, another calm color and something a bit more uplifting: I was told that this meant that I wanted to reload batteries in my home, and probably had a stressful life, that I most likely had an analytic mind, and liked to make lists of stuff ?
So blue seeminly is associated with calmness, ratio and relaxation (in contrast of depleting energy). Would this be a universial association ? In any way, it completely concurs with your previous remark about how blue is perceived. Still wondering about what they told me though, can't say it is completely wrong ..
*now off to go fetch & eat some lovely organgey clementines*

azurechicken (USA)
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30/12/2007 4:15 am  

Well orange IS the complement of I read is among the least favored colors, no question its having something of a upsurge in pop culture recently.Ive taken some of the tests, as well...but I was able to escape the looney coop...Im sure an orange "feels" orange is a very attractive color...yes.but in small doses...

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