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Robert Leach
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06/12/2007 12:41 am  

............though prevalent in fashion for the last season or two, just seems so wrong to me in interiors and furniture design at the moment, and blue stuff is notoriously hard to sell
Is it just me .. or is it about to to return with a vengeance?

azurechicken (USA)
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06/12/2007 8:33 am  

A blue room really looks wrong in some way? what is it you sell?cobalt blue glass objects are popular.

Illustrious Member
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06/12/2007 8:38 am  

a friend of mine is a moderni...
a friend of mine is a modernica dealer. he had a blue 810 sofa in his store a really long time.

Robert Leach
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06/12/2007 1:42 pm  

blue glass is the last on the shelf here in the UK..and as for a blue chair or way, just won't sell.
(alhough I did like LRF's Probber in blue)

azurechicken (USA)
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06/12/2007 5:52 pm  

Knoll in 50s/early60s had a certain (flat out deeper bright blue) in a quality wool.Blue furniture is "unatural"very artificial, in some way, does not blend in?I will be listing on ebay a large bright orange Carnaby vase. I sold a white one to a UK buyer for a very healthy price they are very popuar in the UK,carnaby that is.Cultural tastes are an interesting topic.

Robert Leach
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06/12/2007 6:11 pm  

The bright coloured, cased Carnaby pieces are very popular here
I suppose blue will have it's day again, but in a different guise

Illustrious Member
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06/12/2007 6:41 pm  

Never liked it
Blue except for very few shades, is my least favorite color. For somereason, it looks fine to me outside in nature, but looks wrong wrong wrong to me in interiors. About the only blues I like are smoky grey blues or the 'petrol' shade. The rest of it looks dead to me.

Sound & Design
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06/12/2007 9:55 pm  

Why the Blue hate? Blue is...
Why the Blue hate? Blue is great color! A top tier color for me, albeit certain hues and certain applications. Preferably with other colors. I can understand cultural stigmas rejecting it, but I think those are "learned" rejections rather than true personal dislikes.
Maybe some wiki-studies will improve Blue appreciation.

Illustrious Member
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06/12/2007 10:52 pm  

funny- any glass i make in blue sells right off, green sits around forever. exactly the opposite of my personal taste - go fig. glassblowers and potters saying "blue sells"

Big Television Man
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06/12/2007 11:17 pm  

Glass aritist nails it
For some reason shades of blue in fine art always seem to invoke a positive response. Many a great painting of the last one hundred years has had a shade of blue predominately rendered. Michael Graves has also done some interesting things with his signature accent color of a sky/cobalt/azure blue shade. LL Bean also makes a great polo in a color they call ocean blue, but as an interior or furniture color... eh, it leaves me cold!

Illustrious Member
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06/12/2007 11:49 pm  

Yeah,,,me too...
I have blue eyes, I wear blue all the time, but for interiors, I really don't like it. I feel sapped of life in a blue room.
And what about purple? That seems to be another color that modernists don't seem to go for. I like greyed lavanders, but I don't like a royal purple at all... same feeling as blue.

Big Television Man
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07/12/2007 1:19 am  

The only time
I ever saw blue as a predominate interior color that worked was in the basement of the Merrion Hotel in Dublin. The room contains a very large indoor swimming pool done entirely in one inch mosaic ceramic tiles. The major color scheme are various shades of blue. It is really quite relaxing. The tiles cover the pool deck and the entire surface of the pool interior. Limestone columns and a large blue themed mosaic at one end. It is truly a sight to behold.
There is also no better place to unwind after a transatlantic flight as a stopover on the way to other parts of Europe, great gym and spa.

Illustrious Member
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07/12/2007 1:34 am  

To me, it's absolutely vulgar.

azurechicken (USA)
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07/12/2007 2:15 am  

I love clear lapis lazuli in...
I love clear lapis lazuli in a signet ring.Glass artist what shade of blue is it,do you find yourself creating more blue glass objects from a marketing standpoint...There are very few true blue flowers in nature.Blue clothing is very popular...

Sound & Design
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07/12/2007 8:47 am  

Purple People Eater
I hear Olive on Purple!
Blue in interiors must be complimented with other colors. Like the example from Big TV Man. I've always wanted to remodel our bathroom to mirror a Turkish bathhouse or even a Moroccan Tiled Mosque/Bathhouse. Its these types of traditional styles that conflict with my minimalist modern aesthetics.

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