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"Birth of the Cool"

"Birth of the Cool"  

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Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 1:44 am  

I agree
My point:
It is wrong to stereotype people.
Everybody knows what all people who don't like midcentury modern are d,lithering idiots, and
all people who have a house full of French Provencial furniture are wrong.
But, I disgress. (that was a joke, sports fans.)

Trusted Member
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22/03/2009 1:47 am  

well "the_beloved" sure...
well "the_beloved" sure bucks the stereotype...ahem
assuming that he/she is a skateboarder of course.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 1:49 am  

you sure love those assumptions.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 1:53 am  

And no
I am not. I am just someone who, like Barry, has had to deal with peoples assumptions and stereotypes all my life.
Mazel tov.

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22/03/2009 2:05 am  

sarcasm detection is not...
sarcasm detection is not your forte.
You sure get your panties in a twist over something you supposedly have no experience with...
I suggest you take your own advice and "chill"
oy vey.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 2:19 am  

The mazel tov was for Barry.
And I have a lifetime of experience dealing with stereotypes. Which again is the point that you keep missing.

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22/03/2009 2:30 am  

"dude", I respond to what is...
"dude", I respond to what is written here.
You use the word "stereotype" because it makes it easy for you insinuate things about the person you're talking to.
You're obviously just stirring the pot. First you claim that all my "stereotypes" are "wrong", then you create straw man arguments and look for imaginary slights that somehow relate to whatever you've "had to deal with your whole life".
My OPINION, based on a lifetime of personal experience, has been stated. You are free to disagree with my opinion, but my opinion is not any more "wrong" than yours.
In fact, apparently you're not even a skateboarder (when in fact, at one time, I was) so whatever you're ranting about is immediately suspect anyway. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds I guess.
I think maybe you need to continue dealing with whatever you've been dealing with.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 3:10 am  

.......... we are at a standstill.
Let's have a beer and forget the whole thing.

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22/03/2009 3:12 am  

That is the most reasonable thing you've said all day.

Modern Love
Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 3:15 am  

despite our differences, we are both designaddicts nonetheless.

Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 2:39 pm  

As regards Jazz...
Besides my collecting rock and R&B of the 1950's through the early 1980's, I discovered jazz and dance music of the 1920's and back in 1971, I started going to junk shops and buying up interesting 78's of that era.
After buying some discographical books and learning about being to date a record, I started collecting in earnest and now have over 10,000 original 78's. They cover roughly 1923 through 1942, but are strongest in the late 1920's and early 1930's. I have nearly complete runs of Duke Ellington, Fletcher Henderson, Don Redman, Claude Hopkins, Earl Hines, Billie Holiday/Teddy Wilson, Mildred Bailey, as well as the dance bands of Isham Jones, Abe Lyman, Anson Weeks, Ben Selvin, and many others. I have a goodly amount of swing (1935-1942), but my interest dies around 1945 and I'm not into bop or modern jazz. I don't have any objection to it, but it just doesn't thrill me. In the late 1940's through the 1970's, I'm into rock and rhythm and blues...often quite obscurities along with the obvious big boys and girls!
Now....I respect Miles Davis and Dizzy Gillespie, etc., and could teach a course on the subject of modern jazz, but it's not something I personally like. It bores me a bit, but I don't slam it or think anyone who likes it is an idiot.
The skateboarder scene does absolutely nothing to me, but it doesn't keep me awake at nights.
I don't understand why a few people feel the need to slam what they don't like, and then any reaction is made fun of because the original slam was a joke. That's dishonest bullshit.
Everyone should choose their words wisely and stand by what they write on the internet. I try, but don't always suceed.
The conversation above is no different than the "I despise purple" thread or others (like when I posted a crazy Nelson clock and someone said it was ugly as sin).
Apparently some of the people on this forum see things in absolute black or white without any grey in the middle. That's fine, but expect some of us will challenge any opinions that seem to belittle or step on anyone else's toes....whether it was meant as a joke or not.

Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 3:08 pm  

Jesus, Barry-
Would you stop being such a persnickety hothouse flower, hypersensitive to anything and everything?
Someone called a clock ugly. Boo hoo.
May I remind you that you yourself recently responded to someone's request for a critique of their English translation by calling the table in their photo "butt ugly", Mr. Sensitive?

Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 3:59 pm  

You simply don't get it
and I don't know why you feel the need to respond like you did...oh, and by the way, go to hell, huh? (another joke)

Illustrious Member
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22/03/2009 4:18 pm  

On that point, we agree (I don't get it)
You seem to be on some sort of politeness crusade, but only where it suits you.
By all means- challenge opinions you disagree with!
The problem is, you're NOT challenging the opinions themselves, you're just whining that so-and-so used a word you don't like. You're merely challenging manners, and it comes off as schoolmarmish.
Explain WHY you think the Nelson clock ISN'T ugly as sin, don't censor the person for calling it ugly.
I hardly think the posters in this forum are so ill-mannered that they need your constant correction.

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 2649
22/03/2009 4:23 pm  

Thank you so much
William-Holden-Caulfield for your permission for me to continue reacting to stupidity the way I do. I really appreciate it.
You seem to be an extremely negative person, which is a shame, to be sure.

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