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Biggest Eames Flop

Biggest Eames Flop  

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Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 9:59 pm  

He certainly didn't do much wrong, but...
The low rod base is a horrible design. Function following form to say the least. Same for the early lounge X bases. Uncomfortably low.
The Aluminum Group chairs are nigh on impossible to redo. Don't think he thought through the "recycling potential" of this design which required such an elaborate process to produce.
And obviously the last one is the 670 lounge ear shockmount flaw. I think this is his biggest design "failure" if you will. But had he been around to see some of these issues I'm sure he would've remedied it.
These are harsh criticisms but that just goes to show how brilliant a designer the man was.

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 10:33 pm  

Personally, I think that the iconic Eames case study house decor looks tragically messy. Charley and Ray had no decor editing skills. I blame Ray.
But then, what do I know?
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 10:50 pm  

OH Mark!
I have always loved the way that the Eames's "warmed things up" in their rather austere home. The clutter was very nicely organized in my opinion. Although I must say that, like you, I lean more towards a simple and uncluttered space myself.
They did have a lot of stuff though...
But it always strikes me as funny how virtually no one ever takes the example of what two great designers actually DID with their very own home!
I think they were just trying to "humanize" things a little bit, and tried to "cozy up" a space that could become sterile very quickly. I wonder if they did that from love of a more playful attitude, or were actually just "advertising" to the 1950's stodgy mentality about how a new colder modern space could be warmed up.
Maybe they were just good at PR, and knew they could sell more of their ideas if the place looked more like what the "masses" tastes of the day?
LUNCHBOX, I agree for the most part. But I don't hate the LAR base as much as you seem to. It LOOKS really cool, and I do enjoy being close to the floor, if the whole room is low slung. But yes, those chairs are HELL to get up out of!

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 11:14 pm  

I like the bird.
But the room needs an editing.
I blame Ray (as previously stated).
Aunt Mark

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 11:29 pm  

okay mark ...
yeah, especially on the left side... I agree that the jungle of plants starts to create a "lineup" of stuff on that wall... it needs some negative space somewhere.
I was thinking before about another shot of the coffee table and couch. Maybe from a different time?
But yes an edit by all means!

Noble Member
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02/09/2013 11:32 pm  

I believe it's well known Charles was frustrated with Ray's apparent lack of editing .Many highly creative types need to be surrounded with lots of stimuli for inspiration... that often translating into a cluttered living/ working space.
I think it was a small price to pay...

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 11:39 pm  

oh my..
could that be an Eames compact sofa buried underneath all of that crap? It's the floral arrangement next to the bird that needs to go....and sling those crappy plants onto the patio. The room had to have had a bug infestation. I blame Ray.
Aunt Mark
ps the room needs a couple more bubble lamps. They make a house a "home".
my god.
pss seriously, I so like the architecture...hate the floor tile...would burn the drapery's...and I blame Ray.

Illustrious Member
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02/09/2013 11:47 pm  

Mark, if you look closely,
I think you'll see that it's a treadmill under all that clutter.

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2013 5:23 am  

I'd rather fall over in style, but seeing as I'm only drinking beer these days maybe thats not possible.
With the recovering, from the video I've seen it looks more like you have to have the right equipment to force the sides apart, HMs environmental statement is really over the top and from whats been written here before they charge a bomb for a new pad. Maybe there is some reason behind it?

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2013 5:45 am  

By god..
you just might be right, tktoo.
It's Rays fault.
Aunt Mark

Honorable Member
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03/09/2013 7:00 am  

living with own creations
I would like to think that if I were a successful designer/artist I wouldn't fill my home with my own furniture, art, etc. As I am a talentless hack, that will never be a dilemma I have to face.

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2013 7:08 am  

what about the leg splint?
Hardly seems any were used. Tons of new old stock posing as sculpture. I know it seems a noble cause, so perhaps the splint is in a different category?
I am realizing that much of the time, I like the "failures" best:
First year cross-strut rocker.
LAR (the "too low" cat's cradle)
First "ultra-low" LAX
And maybe we could even throw in the dowel leg chair? Often, the dowels split with use. But again, one of my favorites!
(I dont see the treadmill...)

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2013 7:14 am  

ahh, the treadmill hides
underneath all the clutter
evil in the room.

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2013 7:20 am  

is it really there?
lurking in Eames past
broken, never made to last
treadmill to the tomb

Illustrious Member
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03/09/2013 7:24 am  

oh god...

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