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Bertoia Side Chair ...

Bertoia Side Chair - Orgiinal Mounts & Welds Or Not?  


bobbdavs (UK)
Honorable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 121
10/07/2012 11:54 pm  

Hi all,
Just hoping to get a 2nd opinion on this. I brought this Bertoia chair off ebay in Germany. The seller described it as being 100% original with no re-welds or breaks. I recieved the chair in the UK yesterday and from my experience the mounts that fix the seat to the base look to be modern fabrications, which have been re-welded with very heavy messy welds to the seat unit. So I emailed him and said this, and he replied saying that he has owned the chair for 40 years and this is the way that the German Knoll Bertoia side chairs were manufactured, this sounds like a complete lie to me, as I thought Knoll only manufactured these chairs in France for the european market during that time...but I could be wrong?!? Hopefully someone can help? I have attached some photos for reference.
Thanks in advance for your help.
<img class="wpforo-default

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 4318
11/07/2012 12:20 am  

Have not seen that type of mounting system on any Knoll Bertoia side chairs.

bobbdavs (UK)
Honorable Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 121
11/07/2012 2:05 am  

Thanks woodywood, I Just...
Thanks woodywood, I Just wanted to check I wasnt going mad.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 572
11/07/2012 8:22 pm  

Yes the mounts are not right...
Yes the mounts are not right at all.


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