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Bertoia Diamond Dil...

Bertoia Diamond Dilemma  


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25/08/2007 12:20 am  

Bertoia Small Diamond Dilemma

I love the beautiful chrome mesh of my 1972 small Diamond Chair and want to remove the original cover because it's ugly. (Purple and foam is destroyed.) But when I start to take it off I see that there is equally ugly tape wrapped around the perimeter of the chair.

I want to remove the tape but I'm sorta afraid to remove anything original from the chair.

Did the Knoll factory put that there to protect the foam cover from the edges of the chair? Is it bad to remove that?

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25/08/2007 12:57 am  

don't worry you are not gonna ruin a thing, these pads go bad and have to be changed just like any thing else . I tell evryone unless it is a prototype don't ever worry about changeing fabric/pads on these chairs

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25/08/2007 1:49 am  

Yes but...
what about that weird tape around the edge of the chair itself? Can I remove that?

Illustrious Member
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25/08/2007 3:12 am  

i have never seen that weird tape. I have made about 50 pads for Bertoia wire chairs, and have never seen that, I doubt that it means any thing, I know that it will not diminish the value of the chair one bit.

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25/08/2007 3:14 am  

are you talking about a r...
are you talking about a rubber nylon
that is white? that is put on as a coating.. if you are lots of people have that sand blasted off, to the original shiny color.

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25/08/2007 5:45 am  

Really LRF, you should know...
Really LRF, you should know better. Did you only buy an upholstery shop and hire all the work out? Or buy a functional business?
Its a later production version (1970's?) thing Knoll did. I have never owned one of the diamonds with the edge protection, but its simply there to protect the top cover, and take away some harshness to the edge. If you are going to use the chair with no cover, you could probably get it off. Heat guns soften glue if it won't let go easily. This could get messy, or it could be cake?
If the chair is plastic coated, you may need a safe solvent to get glue residue off. If you are buying a new cover, I would leave it alone, and put the new cover on.

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25/08/2007 12:17 pm  

Do you have to be so incredibly rude? No one can know everything. Can you reupholster an Eames shell or a Diamond chair? I bet you can't. The fact is, someone else can. Does that give them the right to treat you with disrespect? People write on this forum because they have a mutual interest in modern design. Not any one person has all the answers. If they did they wouldn't post here would they? I think your mother would be ashamed.

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25/08/2007 8:48 pm  

Thanks guys
Can I use a heat gun on chrome? I don't think the protective tape edge will come off too easily.

Illustrious Member
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25/08/2007 9:03 pm  

Please someone correct me if ...
Please someone correct me if I am wrong:
I think using lighter fluid and a rag should do. I used it on the metal drawers of my Blu Dot dresser to remove tape residue. I don't think this should hurt the chrome.

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25/08/2007 9:09 pm  

Thanks Whitespike i could not have said it better about Donsof.
We don't need him playing in our sand box cause he is a bully !!!
Really LRF, you should know better. Did you only buy an upholstery shop and hire all the work out? Or buy a functional business?
really Donsof
it is none of your F$%^&*() business what i did , So i don't know about the 1970 knoll wire Bertoia. Big deal!!! to be honest and that is what i try to do with all my customers, i had no idea it exist it took a real Genius like you to know that answer. Did you study here in America, Harvard? Yale? Cornell? or Oxford? for your PHd in Architecture for that wonderful answer?
Why don't you go down to the 10 circuit U.S. Court (thats federal) and sue me for lack of knowledge and failure to have the correct answer on the Bertoia Wire Chair,
I have literally redone over a 1000 chairs from A rare Saarine Grasshoper to Womb, (no Donsof that is not the upper part of the Vagina were the baby grows )
On behalf of the whole International Design Addict community I want to thank you for your wonderful contribution to this forum
now each and every reader will know the correct answer on the 70 wire Bertoia that will be on the final thanks to you . G-D bless you, and have a wonderful day.

Illustrious Member
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25/08/2007 9:15 pm  

Can I use a heat gun on ...
Can I use a heat gun on chrome? I don't think the protective tape edge will come off too easily.
We will let Donsof answer that since he is a expert on the 70 wire Bertoia

Illustrious Member
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26/08/2007 2:28 am  

my god, that was pretty...
my god, that was pretty funny. You go, LRF!

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02/09/2007 3:58 am  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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02/09/2007 6:35 am  

thanks again MerryAnnScott ...
thanks again MerryAnnScott I will sleep good tonight


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