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Bertoia Bird Chair ...

Bertoia Bird Chair Real or Fake ?  


Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 21
02/06/2014 3:28 pm  

Hi there. I hope someone can help me, or maybe can send pictures of their chrome Bertoia Bird Chair.

Yesterday I had a look at a chromed Bird Chair which will be sold by an older wife. She said, she had it around 1980, but didn´t knew it with 100%. But it sounds correct. She got if from an architect friend. No signature or sticker around it.

It is a chrome one with orange/red fabric around it.
The fabric looks good with some patina in the colour of the sun.

What makes me think, that is maybe an older replica is the quality of the metal/chrome and the holder from the wire shell to the base.
I had some large Diamond Chairs with Risal in the past, and know, that they often broke at the holder with the base and front of the shell. So my views went in that direction.

The first I saw and noticed with my finger when I removed the fabric was the quality from the endparts of the single wires.
When I went with my fingers around the ends, it was sharp-edged. At the front some wires needs to be rewelded-but that is no problem. The ends were chamfer as you can see at the picture( Red arrow). I know it from the Risal ones, that they were more rounder.
The next was, when I took my view at the wire between the double rim at the sides. Also shard-edged and you could see the marks of the grinding machine. That looked not really nice. It was under the chrome layer, so no repair after the production. Maybe someone with a chrome one with no Risal can have a look or maybe make a picture. That would be very helpful.
Another thing which my Risal ones didn´t had, but is maybe a version of the production time is the holder from the shell and the base itself. I knew if from my ones in the past, that it was a flat profile, which is welded to the shell.
Here, it was a U-profile with one extra hole beside one shockmount (Blue arrow) and some extra round wires at both sides of the holder which where welded to the shell (green arrows).
I haved searched the net, finding a lot of different pictures, but not really detailed ones from the inside.
Some shows the extra hole(blue arrow) and the extra wires (green arrows), but there was nothing to say if it was a real Knoll one.
The pictures are showing the parts from the inside, the red/orange fabric just lays in the background.
The fabric also didn´t have a sticker somewhere which I know from smaller Bertoia Chairs.

It would be very helpful, if some one with a chrome bird can have a look or maybe send some pictures of

a) the end of the wires (quality of the cutting)
b) the double rim at the side/back and the quality of the
c) the holder / profile from shell to base


<img class="wpforo-de

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 4318
02/06/2014 7:03 pm  

I am not aware of older Bird chair reproductions. It may help if you post photos of the entire chair, as the overall shape is the one of the easiest ways to tell a knock-off. My first impression is that the chair is authentic Knoll.

Eminent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 21
02/06/2014 7:49 pm  

The shape itself...
The shape itself looks good.
I will ask the seller about more pictures, but have not them now.
My phone was out of order yesterday, so I couldn´t make own pictures. Any more meanings?


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