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Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3212
02/07/2010 3:30 am  

ignore the idiot- it will eventually go away, it has nothing to add to the forum, and I suspect learning is beyond its capabilities, so will get nothing from the forum either.

Don't go..we need Brits can get lonely in the day 😉

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 3499
02/07/2010 3:38 am  

Yeah, you aren't the only...
Yeah, you aren't the only one to get rubbed the wrong way by this fella. So whatever. We are regulars. It will pass.

Famed Member
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02/07/2010 4:04 am  

Lit Up has been extinguished
Lit Up has overstayed his welcome. I had initially given him the benefit of the doubt, but he has shown himself to be much more interested in annoying people rather than actually contributing anything of much relevance. Responding to his posts will only prolong his stay.
Here is an easy I.D.:

Illustrious Member
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02/07/2010 4:40 am  

I feel a little better...I thought it was just me...

Prominent Member
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02/07/2010 12:46 pm  

Thank you
Thank you very much for this thread I had started to think it was me who was the crank. I am as guilty as Lit for dragging certain threads into the mud as of late most of my comments have been sarcastic or light hearted ( not intended as cruel) so it will attract the likes of Lit so I have myself to blame.
However I feel the comments about my family are a step to far and my request to stop seems to have failed after another comment was left. So I will take a month or two out from the site and hopefully return with a wealth of knowledge and be able to contribute in a positive way.
I also have this chair I need IDing.........

Noble Member
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Posts: 229
02/07/2010 2:04 pm  

To Lit Up: This is our last warning!
You have two options:
1. You decide to be respectful towards the other forum members. In this case, you are welcome.
2. You continue your stupid and immature provocations. In this case, we will invite you to haunt other places on the internet.
Is this clear enough?
Sorry to Bentply and others who had to support inappropriate comments on the forum these last days.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
02/07/2010 2:39 pm  

Hold on a second here - if I...
Hold on a second here - if I make an ID request on something, I think it's in the spirit of the forums to reply with info if you have it. Instead, from a minority of people, some of whom actually have the answer to my query, I get asked WHY I'm asking for an ID request (even though I've made clear who I am, what my interests are and that I'm not a dealer countless times), I'm told to get lost and read a book, and when I ask what book to read, Bentply tells me to go and read a pornographic tabloid. Talk about trolling...
So it's pretty rich to throw a tantrum and threaten to leave when all you do when I post something is troll it. (I don't know how long you folks have been using forums but you should know by now that when someone announces their departure or threatens to leave it's an attention seek.) Bentply will start posting again today or tomorrow at the latest.
Sorry for not responding positively when Bentply, unprovoked, suggests I read a pornographic tabloid after I've done an ID request or asked for some good material about design. Because I can never "add something to the forum" of the same nature, I'm eternally grateful for that gem of knowledge.
All I use these forums for is to share and receive design ideas and info, generally about stuff I find in my dad's home or browsing on eBay. I'm a small time collector trying to furnish a room in a flatshare and I recently bought my first vintage lounge chair. If what I post doesn't interest you, or you don't have anything to contribute to my topic, then why make a post? The posts I make are not off topic but they always end up getting trolled by a tiny minority (one or two people, usually from the UK) who suspect me of some kind of malpractice or deception.
I don't know quite what I've done to invoke the wrath of one or two UK keyboard warriors but I guess you don't like newcomers? Young people? (Rob you're nearly as old as my mum). Seeing as you guys are dealers maybe your comments to me have something to do with the dire state of the antiques trade? Maybe you would prefer people like me were buying off you rather than eBay? Maybe you're paranoid that I'm pilfering your knowledge to compete against you?
(edited by DA - defamatory remark)
I think some folk haven't liked me since I suggested a forum upgrade, but one thing's for sure, I'm here to stay, in one incarnation or another. In the meantime, sincere thanks to everybody who has chimed in with any discussion I've initiated about design - I really like hanging out here and reading/talking about objects 🙂

Illustrious Member
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Posts: 903
02/07/2010 2:50 pm  

I dont quite know what to say but seems I have missed a fair bit.
i must just point out that BENTPLY is NOT Bruna at the shop in London as I paid her a visit to discuss the UK fire regs and she looked at me like I was talking Danish to her!
For the discusion on ID's.
I share my knowledge when I feel it warranted in cases where I know the answer is not written in design books, Mobilia, design from scandinavia, furnitureindex, DA radar, Deconet, Auction catalogues, Readers Wives, playboy or any other publication for that matter.
If there is a blatantly obvious piece which should be well know I simply say nothing and watch the paint dry.
Does not mean I don't want to share or feel it's beneath me just that the first option should never be to give up and ask for help.
As for BENTPLY you need to come clean with who you are as your knowledge indicates a dealer but your name is tarnishing someone elses reputation!
The challenge is there for you and all to see.
Take it and show your face or leave it and always be known as a fraud!!

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 439
02/07/2010 3:02 pm  

I just stand here on the...
I just stand here on the side not quite understanding what has happened to the forum latelely. It's like watching kids fight in the sand box...
Ok, so Lit Up is the new kid on the block and ok he doesn't have all the knowledge of some of us others, but haven't we all been there? At least he continues to contribute to the discussions and doesn't leave after one ID thread.
For the record, I think the responses to his ID threads has been really childish. I mean, if you don't have any knowledge to share about the object in question, hold your breath instead of trollin his threads.
That said, it's of course NOT OK to go after family members etc, but I think he's not the only one to blame here, since the general level of this forum has sunk pretty low in the last few years.
Again, I think a revamp of the forum, might help get rid of those unnecessary discussions. People will hopefully find their place in the forum and focus on what really interests them instead of trolling each others threads...

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
02/07/2010 3:04 pm  

Simon, I've found your...
Cheers Alex, and Simon, I've found your contributions to be most helpful, so thanks. You haven't missed much, just this stuff recently
"WHY are you asking these questions?"
"Go read the daily sport"
Pretty sad that people in their middle age (or older) have to stoop so low

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 3212
02/07/2010 3:08 pm  

it's the idiot above who is 'outing' Bentply as somebody they are not... to my knowledge they have never made any claims here as to their identity.. and why should they ?
But I'm sure they can speak for themselves.
Incidentally, the same idiot that seems to consider it neccessary to point out I'm the same age as his mother, like I'm not fully aware of my age ...
On a more general level, if the forum is to be reduced to threads about farts, calling items 'gay' and saying they look like arses; requests for information on auctions that already have all the relevant information on them, or IDs of items that feature elsewhere on DA, then it's all heading rapidly downhill...
Also, I think it a common courtesy to at least explain why one would like an ID, after all, we all give our knowledge freely and generously.
Maybe we do need a 'sticky' thread at the top of the board to explain forum etiquette - and how to post pictures.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
02/07/2010 3:34 pm  

Rob, seriously, what did I...
Rob, seriously, what did I ever do to cross you? You asked me WHY I asked and I gave you all the relevant information, as people can read in that thread. Why else would I need to know? I'm furnishing my room and want things to stick in it, I made that abundantly clear on many occasions in the past - you KNEW that, so why do you continue to ask?!
I've already apologised for not reading the auction description in full that one time, hang me already? And as for an item already being on DA - this place has hundreds of designers from A-Z, and I did do a keyword search for "recliner" or Chaise long, I can't remember which, but still didn't find it. If you have the knowledge all it takes is for you is to type a couple of keywords, and then I can go look it up in DA and get more info on it. I'm not asking for a history lesson...
Surely this forum has the capacity for lighthearted, inoffensive comments; coveted pieces of design do take on an embarassing shapes, and I have always wondered if people do think about whether vintage upholstery is hygienic. Am I meant to convey those concerns in a solely dry, formal manner? This is an informal community... and come on, I make all kinds of posts related to design, not just those kind of jovial comments, and they're never directed at anybody personally.

Noble Member
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Posts: 229
02/07/2010 3:53 pm  

Lit Up, the problem with you...
Lit Up, the problem with you is that you don't stop talking without knowing what you are talking about. First, "our" Bently has nothing to do with the shop under the same name located in London!!!
From the attitude your have, you call for discorteous remarks! If you receive sometimes sarcastic answers, it's because you obviously don't make any effort to inform yourself just a little bit by yourself. If you were sincerely grateful for the information that is generously given on this forum, the reception that you would receive would be very different. So please grow up a little bit and learn to be more careful in the remarks that you make. It is not allowed to write anything one wants in a forum! What you wrote here above can be regarded by the law as slander.
Robert - We are working on a page with some instructions about the forum rules.

Lit Up
Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 531
02/07/2010 4:24 pm  

Patrick and Alix - if I may...
Patrick and Alix - if I may be so bold, I'm aware you don't like me since I suggested (perhaps in an overzealous way) a forum upgrade. And I'm also aware that as founders of an institution such as this, your opinion of somebody holds great weight around here, and people who seek your endorsement or rapport will come down harshly on those you don't like, rather than consider whether or not somebody really is reprehensible.
You say that I make no effort to inform myself, but as a newcomer, I do not have all the resources at my disposal. Having made a request for reading material so that I would not have to ask for IDs the first response I got was to go read a porno mag. This was unprovoked and not appropriate in any context, and something not comparable to anything I've posted. I'm glad that you are making it aware that one cannot write anything one wants on a forum, hopefully there will be something about that in the new forum rules, and this will be the last time people suggest porno mags when someone asks for design books.
I am grateful for the information I receive on this forum (I've said that a million times), and I'm also sure that the posts I make may have some, even if it is just a little, value to somebody else. The reception I have round here is pretty much the same as anybody else with the exception of a few of your loyal friends who didn't take my upgrade suggestion too well.
Finally seeing as I've made it so clear who I am - Bentply might do so too (and perhaps change their name to avoid, as someone has mentioned above, tarnishing the name of a London business with tacky comments).

Trusted Member
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Posts: 43
02/07/2010 4:43 pm  

Where has the love gone?
Relax you lot, its lovely and sunny outside so have a drink and breathe in and out a few times, a lot worse things are happening in the world.
Peace and love to all,
P****d yet again.

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