I am looking for a sofa and came across one on CL in my area. The sofa is red mohair. It looks like (and the owner claims it is) the Paolo Piva Alanda, which normally comes in leather (or came in leather, not sure it's made anymore) . I am considering the couch for other reasons -- color, size, reasonable price etc -- but would be interested if the seller is correct. Seller, who says he bought it off a family in NYC a few years ago, says he called B&B Italia and they said that the original sofas did not have labels. They also said they didn't know if it could have been ordered in non leather.
The dimensions apparently fit: black enameled metal legs, 83"w x 42"d x 30.5"h Structure in steel.
any thoughts?
now here's link with pictures-
(edited by DA - no link no sales please, thank you)
Based on my Alanda...
I would say it is.
Check the legs and, more so, the mechanisms to raise the head and arm rests to see if they have the correct ratcheting action, if so, it has to be an original.
Mine was bought new years over thirty ago when I was out of university. It is in a very light gray fabric with a line texture in it: the fabric was called Alaska. I recall many very nice fabrics I was looking at since I could not afford the leather I wanted without straining my budget.
I don't recall any red mohair, so I would surmise it was reupholstered, not an easy job when you look at how intricate all the panels are so that the cutting, sewing and fitting would require a good artisan. The fact it has no label is also indicative of this fact.
Why red mohair I will never understand.
B&B Italia, in the designs at least, pales in comparison to what it was thirty years ago.
No matter how lovely the fabric I have chosen is, I still regret to this day not having spent the money on the light grey or black leather.
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