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Arne Norell Scirocc...

Arne Norell Scirocco Safari Chair?  


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05/08/2010 8:45 am  

Hi there- I'm trying to find out if a so-called Arne Norell safari chair is a knock-off or the real deal. Any tips? The one I'm looking at appears to have a canvass backing rather than leather. Additionally, the leather cushion appears to be missing (or never was) and instead of a woven string system supporting the seat there is a buckle system. Is it possible there was variation in how this chair was made over time? Is it likely a knock-off?

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05/08/2010 9:53 am  

From the sound of it
you are describing Klint's version.

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05/08/2010 2:09 pm  

scirocco chairs
did have cords to tie together the seat canvas. The seat cushion was then attached with a buckle that fitted under and through the strings to keep it in place.
The scirocco is also different from the KLINT as the side rails come through the legs.
Normally there is a NORRELL label sewn into the seat canvas underneath or in the cushion underside

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05/08/2010 7:25 pm  

Arne Norell Scirocco Safari Chair?
Hmmm.... doesn't seem to be the Klint version either. They look very much like these chairs that someone has described as knock-offs. However the version I am looking at seems to have nicer quality leather seats (these look like they cld be vinyl) and lighter wood. Possibly beech? Based on the models I've seen it seems as though many of these chairs were made of rosewood.

Illustrious Member
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05/08/2010 7:55 pm  

These chairs (sometimes calle...
These chairs (sometimes called Roorkhee) were originally made in England by Maples (and then a few other companies) from the late 19th century onwards....the Klint version is basically a copy of these

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05/08/2010 8:58 pm  

Arne Norell Scirocco Safari Chair?
Thanks Paula! I am finding a lot of Roorkhees in the Klint style. But just one that looks similar to the style pictured in the flickr photo above. Are these quite rare? Not sure if what I am looking is precious/widely sought after.

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06/08/2010 1:52 am  

I nearly picked up some
in the version you speak of. The manufacturer was California based I believe. On a side note, I had forgotten that this one was in my garage in a bag and now it has been placed together.
I still do not know how I am going to place it, however, it is extremely comfortable. If the design works for you accept it ito your home and enjoy.
If I find the time I will help you further on your search. Have you google searched Safari Chair without design pedigree to see the variations that exist? In solidarity, Lenox

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06/08/2010 4:05 am  

Arne Norell?
Hey Lennox- Is this not a Norell? Looks like it's got the seat cushion and brass fixtures and the wood looks darker- maybe rosewood? It's a lovely chair. Much nicer than what I was eyeing and in much better shape. I know we're not intended to talk price here- but the item that I was looking at seems over priced given that it isn't attached to any specific designer or period.

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06/08/2010 6:23 am  

it is a Norell. Are you into design pedigree or aesthetic necessity? If possible send a photograph?

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06/08/2010 7:38 am  

Hi Lenox- I think both are...
Hi Lenox- I think both are important to some extent, although ultimately the aesthetic probably takes it for me. These chairs are very close to what I am looking at.


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