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Arne Jacobsen Serie...

Arne Jacobsen Series 7 Chairs experiences?  

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Illustrious Member
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10/07/2007 6:17 pm  

Powder coating might just be the...
better environmental solution. Chrome plating, unless done in particularely expensive conditions is a poluting surface finish. So, why not a good oven dried paint...

Illustrious Member
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10/07/2007 8:56 pm  

lucky 7 not so lucky
Fritz hansen sells those 7 series chairs here in America for around $394.00 at the hive and they charge a extra 26.00 for satin chrome,
I am just appalled to read that they are so flaky and rust so fast
You would think that this would never happen so fast with a company like Fritz Hansen. any idea where they really make these chairs??

Illustrious Member
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10/07/2007 8:59 pm  

Love the story ... that poor girl can't afford to have that guy around he cost her to much .

Estimable Member
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10/07/2007 9:14 pm  

I'm not sure where the chairs are made anymore. I think, wherever their lowest bidding subcontractor is situated.
But the satin polished chrome is beautiful on the old chairs - the nikel plated chairs age so well. The new powdercoating, while it may be more green, is terribly ugly and cheap looking (which is what you would expect on a 29$ IKEA chair). I'm not impressed by Fritz Hansen quality from this decade, be it chair, egg or otherwise. I got flamed for saying this previously on this forum, but, I don't see their new production differently than that of other knockoff producers. In their case, they happen to be the authorized manufacturer, which leads many to believe they manufacture as the original examples were produced.

Illustrious Member
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10/07/2007 10:12 pm  

room 606
I agree with you. I got sandbagged,booed, and dumped on real bad when i talked about reproductions in this forum about 2 weeks ago although i do own a few I think they are made every bid as good as some of these originals that people are paying the big bucks for.
You would think the big 3 Herman Miller, Knoll, Fritz Hansen would put long term quality first, after all there is a lot of 50 year old pieces of there furniture out there
If they cut quality and every one feels that is what is happening these companies will still be around, People will just go and buy Chinese reproductions at a fraction of the cost and not look back,

Estimable Member
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10/07/2007 11:25 pm  

Very few people care about anything and even fewer care about real furniture. So this is boring stuff, globally speaking. Lousy built good design is about making money, not about making good design. "green" design and processes are mostly about pleasing the masses these days too, as they mostly result in temporary goods (with a happy green stamp) rather than heirlooms.
There are still a handfull of producers with the right idea. And handcraft shops are getting a little more attention these days, thankfully.

Noble Member
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11/07/2007 2:53 am  

I biggest beef...
I biggest beef with the popular Green-mindset is that if it's good for the environment, it has to be ugly. It almost makes me think they've kept hybrid cars unremarkable looking just to keep the sales low and keep oil prices steady.
I think the thing about the powder coating steel-look is that it's trying to look like steel. Why not just clear coat the brushed aluminum instead?
I saw some seven once in a soft white with super high gloss black chair legs around a teak topped table. Looked unbeleivable.

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11/07/2007 3:00 am  

It's my feeling that there...
It's my feeling that there must be some quantifiably superior difference that factors into buying a piece from the official vendor as opposed to a reproduction.
However, I think by now that it should be a no-brainer that buying anything Made in China is bad for business.

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2007 3:55 am  

I agree with you buying from China is a difficult question to answer... so many say what is the difference if you want it buy it. I just read 5 minutes ago that China executed the head of there food and drug administration cause he took around $850,000 worth of bribes, cause he caused disgrace on the country for faulty drugs and a bad reputation to the Republic of China, I think they are concerned about there reputation for some reason in the world market and they are very capable of making excellent products
but there human rights issues are still left back in the 18th century
and how they pay there people,
I doubt that any one would disagree that there products are Parelle to any ones and sometimes even better. They just need to get there act together in World community and come into the 21 century like there 1st cousin Hong Kong,

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2007 4:24 am  

Going Green
It sure sounds good and i think there is some truth in the whole matter about taking care of our planet , but why does Hybrid cars have to be so ugly what are they trying to prove? To be a good steward of the planet you have to dive a ugly designed car? come on you would think if they could come up with a real winner that every one would want to jump on board and get a cool looking Mercedes, BMW, Lexus, and others, but no they offer a goofy looking hybrid called a Prius
You Folks tell me what is good looking about that tank?
Just cool cause Leonardo Decaprea and stars from Hollywood drive one, but mean while he and all the rock stars of the save the planet flew by privet jet and transported by privet Lemo. to the concert that is really great and sets a really great example for us little people,
Who cares that they donated there time the ulterior motive was to promote them and there career not to save the planet . I can not pick up a magazine with out something about Green..... and I think that is great cause we have to try to save the environment for the next generation but lets not be a Hypocrite about it. I know tht most of these furniture companies and a lot of these companies are just jumping on the band wagon. I will say that Herman Miller made a real effort 20 years ago to get in on the environment cause before it was cool so hats off to them they at least tried

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11/07/2007 8:11 am  

I think there's an urge to be...
I think there's an urge to be a good sport by saying that China is on par with other industrialized nations when it comes to their manufactured goods, but I strongly disagree, though not out of any xenophobic reasons. To put it in a nutshell, they are famous for cutting corners, including utilizing the cheapest most watered down textiles possible, (dog leather anyone?) and what's more, I think it's asking for a lot to expect a product manufactured by someone who does not love what they're doing to be the finest representation of said product available, let alone a viable competitor to the same product designed/manufactured in a country where you are not whipped with a switch if you yawn too many times in an hour. Products made in China are great for one thing: the newness factor. When that wears out, it's anyones guess...
As for the seven chairs -- if they make you happy to look at and use, buy them and love them. You will not be entertaining mid-century furniture critics, (at least not everynight), so don't fret.

Prominent Member
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11/07/2007 8:20 am  

My experience
I saw the Series 7 chairs at a store in downtown Wash DC. The ones I sat on were manufactured by Fritz Hansen. Truthfully, I did not like them. I found them uncomfortable and I tended to slide forward on the chairs. I can't imagine sitting on them for long periods of time. Also, the seat felt small, and I'm not a large person.

Fungus Mungus (USA)
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12/07/2007 5:46 am  

Thanks again everyone for...
Thanks again everyone for your responses.
So it seems that some people are less than thrilled with the current versions of the Series 7 chairs due to poor finishing on the legs. For those of you who have had problems with sturdiness of these chairs, how would you compare the Eames DCW chairs? I am also considering these which are a little cheaper.
Also, I noticed that Room & Board has a copy of the Series 7 chair called "Jake" which is only $79. Has anyone had any experience with these? I feel like I would rather go with the "real thing", but if these look good, and are sturdy as the Fritz Hansen chairs, I could save a bundle and have a little cash for a decent mid-century desk.

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2007 6:56 am  

7 vs dcw
I did not want to say any thing cause of reproduction lash back , but i bought a set for my office break room and i love them!!! I paid 99 each (I always overpay ) but they really are great they don't have the Fritz Hansen black feet ( who cares) and the seat is not as curved up. from what i read that is why they are more confortable and they look like nice chrome with no chipping , but it is really a wonderful chair for the price, and the employees really like them , they are going on a year that i bought them , and they still look good just don't let any one with a funky belt sit in them cause they will scratch , the back .. we have been talking about the lcw on the other thread the DCW is suppose to be one of the most confortable chairs for dinning and sitting around I bet the would win every time if there was a contest with the series 7 chair .
The only thing to remember they are a little bigger and clunk eyer then the slick 7 chair.

whos that?
Eminent Member
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12/07/2007 7:13 am  

Perhaps I'm confused
I've seen these at DWR and the legs are shiny chrome, not powdercoated at all. Perhaps there are different versions? The ones I've tried out seem on a par for comfort with the DCM. Its still a plywood chair, and not going to have the kind of comfort of an upholstered chair, but still very comfy.

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