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Area Rugs in practi...

Area Rugs in practice (poll)  


Noble Member
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10/07/2009 8:42 pm  

Ok, so we just had our floors BEAUTIFULLY tiled and now need area rugs for two separate seating areas. What are your thoughts concerning area rugs under JUST the coffee table in the configuration versus area rugs large enough that all the furniture within the configuration fits on the rug? I can see where one large enough for all the furniture kind of reduces the drama of the flooring, but it's nice in that it prevents the furniture from sliding around. Also, my wife and her colleagues agree that given the proximity of the two seating areas, the area rugs should be the same. Thoughts in that regard? Could go either way on both questions so please weigh in on my lame Friday poll.


Illustrious Member
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11/07/2009 12:10 am  

I have
A rug under the coffee table. I would prefer a larger area rug though (e.g. the Fuller Rug). However, the larger the rug, the price goes up exponentially....

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2009 5:16 am  

I'm feeling like a rug under just the coffee table would be a little strange, no? In a past apartment we had just a tiny little rug that my aesthetically challenged roommate picked up at the grocery store. Yes, the grocery store. It was tiny compared to the room and looked it.
In the current space the rug doesn't fill the room, but it comes close to all the furniture making all of the pieces feel like they are part of the same arrangement.

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2009 8:43 am  

I would get a larger rug than you would think.
When we bought our house, '62 built original owners, we requested the custom
couch and rug removed. They left them but we have lived with it and recently
replaced the 10x12 rug with a 8x10. We love our floors but the new rug seems
small and i think a mistake. It does oddly make the room feel smaller....
Tough call.( And your home looks great by the way.)

Doc Sage
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11/07/2009 11:42 am  

My living area rug is a 6 fee...
My living area rug is a 6 feet by 9 feet and covers the space between the sofa and the entertainment cabinet but not under these pieces of furniture. The coffee table takes almost center space. Because this "room" is sparsely furnished, one can see the floor (beige/off white linoleum) beyond this carpet (light grey/blue).
I do not know if this is right but it looks good to me. Any smaller and it would not properly define this "room" and, if larger, one would loose the bounderies. I live in a large single room that is used as a dining area, a media/living "room" (above mentioned), a work/desk area with bookcases and each of these areas are define by a carpet of some kind with lots of empty space (read bare flooring) separating each of these.

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2009 12:37 pm  

Definitely bigger and agree with Lucifer, all or most of the furniture should sit on the rug, perhaps not cabinetry but definitely chairs or a sofa. Mine is a silky Persian thing which though the bloody thing won't stay straight is nice on the feet which is what its really for, My furniture sits within a couple of inches of the edges.
Look at this, *sigh* , isn't that better?

Illustrious Member
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11/07/2009 6:58 pm  

One of these days
I will look under my grey looped wall-to-wall carpeting.
When I bought this house 2 years ago, I liked the clean palette of plain white walls and the new grey carpeting, after living in the over crowed house I had lived in for 10 years.
I have a nice red patterned 1960's wool rug and no place to use it right now.

azurechicken (USA)
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12/07/2009 8:57 am  

random rug thoughts:)
Small seems like an after thought or little thought.Nothing will "crisp" up a space like good bare floors.Rugs should be very basic or on the pricey side...its the middle ground that loses it.See first if the whole assemblage needs a rug then maybe add one...

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2009 10:03 am  

You need to define a seating area
A small rug will look lost;like a postage stamp!There's plenty of flooring to frame the area'll be happier with a large rug for sure! Not too large,though! Oh,and do not get duplicate rugs for the 2 areas-it'll diminish the uniqueness.Get two that harmonize and play off of one another.Two of the seam will not be as effective.Think of it as floor art.Can you tell I was in the rug business for 20 years?

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2009 11:20 am  

Rug vs. Coffee Table
Here's my dilemma. My Diamond & Baratta coffee table is huuuge (72 inch diameter) and I love how it looks on a white Flokati rug but I can't find those rugs much bigger than what I've already got, which is like 7 ft. x 9 ft. or so. So, I'm still searching for a giant Flokati that's more in proportion to the table. When I do find one, I'm sure that I will then complain that it is covering up too much of the beautiful parquet floors, but that will be a problem for another day.

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2009 11:24 am  

2 more pix
Please be kind, I have only just moved into this apartment on July 1st and I'm still trying to figure out how to position my furniture and things in a 90-year old house!

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2009 11:25 am  

I've got those candlesticks t...
I've got those candlesticks too, do they a sticker saying 'handmade made in canada' by some woodturner or other? Nice room by the way.

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2009 11:45 am  

Are you talking
about the pair of teak ones on the table with the lit candles? I don't know who they are, they have green felt on the bottom. They are probably just generic. I'm always searching for a pair by Rude Osolnik to replace them because his have such a gorgeous skinny "neck" but so far no luck.

Illustrious Member
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12/07/2009 11:55 am  

those are nice, I'm gonna woodturn me some of them.
yeah mine have green felt too, must be the same, I'm sure they were turned out by the hundreds by one person for the craft tourist market.
But you're right the Rude boys are much nicer, you could very easliy have some made, god knows there are thousands of underoccupied pensioner woodturners about.

azurechicken (USA)
Illustrious Member
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Posts: 1966
13/07/2009 9:15 am  

Great oversize/statement table,round,you have more freedom in placement.


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