Design Addict


Anyone tried curbly...

Anyone tried Looks promising to me  


Active Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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21/11/2006 7:22 am  

Hey, I think curbly is pretty cool. Anyone tried it yet?

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
21/11/2006 2:22 pm  

Had a look but...
I dont get it?, what is its point?. You want an interesting site? try this one.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
21/11/2006 2:25 pm  

Only me again!
Very sorry, i typed in curly instead of curbly!! i see its point now, sorry not sobered up enough yet.

andee (USA)
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21/11/2006 7:10 pm  

....i thought this was a...
....i thought this was a DECORATING/DESIGN forum?

Illustrious Member
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21/11/2006 7:53 pm  

It is Andee, im sorry if i have totally ruined your day by putting a link up that has nothing whatsoever to do with design but in my humble opinion is an interesting site. Im very sorry and i wont do it again. Im sure you will appreciate that us people working in the Design / Art world all day have other interests too but im still sorry.

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21/11/2006 8:01 pm  

For what its worth,
i thought it was a good link. Not design but could be Graphic led?. I didnt think it was a decorating forum at all.

Robert Leach
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21/11/2006 8:26 pm  

Sex, Biba,
and Granny Takes A trip..
Totally design-led if you ask me.
3 very influential stores in the history of design.
Design 'aint just what paint we put on our walls !

Illustrious Member
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22/11/2006 2:06 am  

I didnt like to press the point on Design being many things.I myself was influenced by my "trips" to Biba and later Sex and Seditionaries (still am!).

Robert Leach
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22/11/2006 1:18 pm  

That whole Biba
That whole Biba thing captured the moment exactly, and had a great influence on interiors..that 70s Deco revival look( I have this 50 year cycle theory..but more of that later)
Fashion > Textiles > Interiors is a quite a small step really, and shouldn't be dismissed so readily.
Can't, off the top of my head, think how the whole punk thing impacted on interiors..(other than the Sex and Seditionaries shop interiors, that became World's End) but it did on graphics, so must have had a knock on???.....Maybe you've got opinions on that, Vivienne?

Robert Leach
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22/11/2006 1:42 pm  

I've had a cup of tea and a think.......
Some people won't like this theory..
I'm going to say the punk movement helped to shape the whole 'High Tech' thang
It is not a million miles from the industrial (keyword) landscapes of say, Derek Jarman's 'Jubilee' to Ben Kelly's pioneering and early work (Hacienda club for example) that helped shape the whole 'High Tech' movement of the early 80s.
I realise this sounds very British for you guys in the US..but this is just my viewpoint....

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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23/11/2006 11:58 am  

Punk thing..
Its my opinion that the punk era started off a bit of a trend in furniture/design, Ron Arad, early Tom Dixon,Jon and the other guys at One Off in Neal st. at that time were all making stuff from scrap and ready mades,sometimes when i was in there you couldnt hear yourself think for the loudness of the music and there were that many people in it was like a club!. Other smaller shops started to sell similar pieces but i cant think of any more larger stores,(frightened).


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