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Anyone know anythin...

Anyone know anything about this cool sofa?  


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25/07/2014 6:21 pm  

I just picked up this sofa, it is super cool and in great shape. Does anyone recognize it? Know who may have made it and when? Thanks in advance!!

<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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25/07/2014 9:19 pm  

I don't know the designer, but
I'm pretty sure someone posted the same sofa, or maybe it was the matching chair, on DA in the past few months. I just looked through thread titles going back to the first of May and couldn't find anything but I could have missed it. I seem to remember it being green or greenish-blue.
There was some discussion about it so it would have been a thread with more than two or three responses. But it might also have been in a thread about something else, like some other sofa and then this person chimed in asking about his or her sofa (the one like yours). I don't think anyone actually identified the one in question, either.
Sorry---not much help! But at least there's another one floating around.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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26/07/2014 2:52 am  

This sofa straddles the fence...
This sofa straddles the fence between Scandinavian and American, or possibly something else. This leaves a lot of possibilities open.
If you post a close up of the grain on the legs, we might be able to tell if it is teak, walnut, or something else. This could tend to indicate the origin, which would be a small start toward figuring out more about it.

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26/07/2014 3:57 am  

Here is a pic of one of the...
Here is a pic of one of the legs... It's hard to tell a grain pattern to me.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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26/07/2014 4:35 am  

Yep. Can't tell from that. It...
Yep. Can't tell from that. It would need to be a sharp close up.
The underside of the sofa, if it is open, might yield suggestive information also.

Illustrious Member
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26/07/2014 4:46 am  

I almost...
... purchased a sofa just like this a while back. The seller claimed it was Pearsall sofa, which we all agreed that it was not. Cool couch, though.

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shipwright (UK)
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26/07/2014 10:57 pm  

We are seeing this type of "skandi retro" design being made now....Cath Kidson et there any chance this is a shop worn recent retro production?

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26/07/2014 11:32 pm  

I don't know, I got it from...
I don't know, I got it from a thrift shop, I assumed it was older. Here are some pics of the undercarriage! And the best close up grain pic I could get of the legs. When doing a google image search the closest examples I could find are all being described as pearsall for craft associates or pearsall inspired sofas. I am not an expert in the construction differences between modern and older pieces, I have allways kind of loosely gone by flathead screws mean likely older and Philips, Allen, hex, ect.. Are likely newer pieces.

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29/07/2014 1:45 am  

It's obviously not exactly...
It's obviously not exactly yhe same sofa, but there is a very similar sofa that was (maybe still is) offered by Thrive Home Furnishings (same color and everything). Biggest difference between the two is that the sofa from Thrive doesn't have three separate cushions for the seat. It looks like the seat cushion is made the same way the back of the sofa is made in the Thrive sofa. I am staring a picture of it right now in an ad for Thrive in the magazine Atomic Ranch. I saw your post earlier and was just flipping through some of my back issues of AR and the ad caught my eye since the sofas are so similar. Perhaps the Thrive version is a knock-off of your sofa or maybe even your sofa is a knock-off of something as well.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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29/07/2014 4:24 am  

The construction details I...
The construction details I see under there look strongly American.
And the flat head screws definitely indicate it is older.

Illustrious Member
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29/07/2014 7:02 pm  

I'm sure it's vintage too.
I've seen that kind of batting/mat stuff before---it's thin, mostly cotton, and it's bonded or stitched in that grid pattern. I did a piece with that stuff in it and I just searched my photo archives but I guess I never took a picture of it! Drat.


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