Design Addict


Anyone familiar wit...

Anyone familiar with Ritter Pakitan?  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2358
15/05/2006 9:01 am  

I have a confession to make. For obscure reasons (even to me), I am increasingly fond of faux rattan furniture made during WWII and just after. I've already got two blonde, stepped end tables by Heywood Wakefield that I refinished recently. Now I am being tempted by two easy chairs and a coffee table made by a Los Angeles outfit called Ritter. Its apparently their Pakitan line. I likely am in a sub culture of one being fond of this faux rattan, but there is something I really like about it. It actually looks better and is better furniture than real rattan. And there is a can-do spirit to it that is entirely lacking in so much other furniture. The Japanese take our sources for rattan? Fine. We'll simulate our own out of domestic woods at least until we get the war out of the way. Its what I wish we would do with oil at least while we scrap over trying to corner it. Other people want to beat us out of the world's oil reserves? Fine. We'll use our own damn proven geothermal energy 5,300 feet down below much of the western USA that would turn our turbines and crack oil shale and refine hydrogen at least until we can get the oil business sorted out and maybe even get off oil. So: anyone know anything about Ritter Pakitan?


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