Design Addict


Any opinions on thi...

Any opinions on this latest dumpster dive? (floor lamp)  


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Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 44
01/07/2008 7:37 am  

Actually... I was riding downtown on my bicycle when I spotted this colorful and somewhat unusual (to my eyes) floor lamp, ready for a ride to the city dump on garbage day. I need another lamp like I need a hole in the head, but I got caught up in the moment, and tossed it on my bike and rode home with it. It looks like it would be perfectly comfortable in the children's section at Ikea, but even as an ex-Ikeaphile, I've never seen this at Ikea, so I'm not sure where it comes from. It has a ribbed shade, and its very practical, in that you can extend the shade out a good 2' or so, or turn it up toward the ceiling thanks to the gooseneck. I know that primary colors characterized modern design in the 80's, so I'm wondering if its a fugitive from the 80's? It's full of rust at the base and chipped paint on the flexible arm (otherwise the rest is just fine).

Is it worth painting over, or am I just being crazy?


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