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Any carpet experts ...

Any carpet experts here ?  


Richard Tanimura
Prominent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 175
16/05/2013 8:40 pm  

I bought a carpet. I like it. The price was OK. It was sold by a very reputable auction house as an "antique Gendje" carpet. Well, I am pretty sure this is a rug from the Caucasus. I have a Shirvan and seen Kubas, and others. It looks old. But from what I have looked at, this is NOT a Gendje.
Anybody have a suggestion what it might be?

Richard Tanimura
Prominent Member
Joined: 5 years ago
Posts: 175
17/05/2013 9:06 pm  

I got an answer
I wrote to Barry O´Conner (He has a carpet site called and he was kind enough to answer almost immediately.
The rug is from around 1900. It is Caucasian (I was right). It probably is Genge/Gendje (I was wrong).
Question answered.


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