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Antiques Roadshow r...

Antiques Roadshow results  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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15/07/2011 5:35 am  

I was one of the only 10 people who's furniture was professionally picked up for the Antiques Roadshow here in Minneapolis, today.

I got there at 7:15AM and was told that two of those 10 pieces of furniture would not be filmed for telecast and my Saarinen lounge chair and ottoman was one of them. I didn't really care that much; it was early and I was less interested in telling my 'story' to the cameras. I was more interested in seeing a Grasshopper chair and ottoman spotlighted on the show.

I was given a modest valuation - $2,500.00.

I also brought my Nicolas Vlavianos 1971 brutal sculpture ashtray in and the metals and sculpture table didn't know anything about the artist and they were noncommited about its value. No matter.

I enjoyed going, not having to wait in line and I was out of there by 10:22AM!

Interesting sidenote; The Keno bros are no longer associated with AR since they signed a deal for a new show called "Buried Treasure" on Fox.

Famed Member
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15/07/2011 6:02 am  

This is like deja-vu,
all over again.

Estimable Member
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15/07/2011 8:24 am  

I think I've heard that word somewhere...
Sorry couldn't resist.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
15/07/2011 9:18 pm  

sounds like a super cool...
sounds like a super cool experience for you Barry. I bet it made your summer.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2649
21/07/2011 6:29 am  

It was a nice experience
and I like watching the program to learn about types of furniture, art, collectables and other stuff that I don't collect, but have a limited interest and knowledge of.
I constantly find it fascinating that American made 18th century furniture brings in so much more than the 18th century British and French furniture it's so greatly influenced by. I guess it's because there so much less of the American stuff.
Overall, despite their minimal interest in MCM, I like the show a lot. I get the impression that not too many DA forum members feel the same way.

Illustrious Member
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21/07/2011 6:49 am  

I always
learn something from the show. One thing I've learned (I guess) is how small a part of the whole shebang is our beloved Modernism !
I suppose the people paying so much for American furniture are . . . American collectors ?
The Keno brothers are fun. So much enthusiasm !

Illustrious Member
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21/07/2011 7:17 am  

Can we rally draw a line anymore? The fanatical mid century collectors are looking as nostalgic as the colonial collectors.

Famed Member
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21/07/2011 9:02 am  

I enjoy learning about...
I enjoy learning about antiques from all eras even if I only would want to own mid century. So I do like Antiques Roadshow.

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 393
21/07/2011 10:46 am  

"I like the show a lot. I get the impression that not too many DA forum members feel the same way. "
Au contraire, Pierre. I always enjoy the Roadshow, when I remember to tune in.
But let's face it-- if you care about modern design, the LAST place you'd go to for nourishment is Antiques Roadshow. "Saarinen... Finland... $2,500" may be newsworthy to the majority of Antiques Roadshow viewers; but to those who frequent this forum, it's just preaching to the converted.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
22/07/2011 1:57 am  

I agree with william-holden...
I agree with william-holden-caulfield her statement says it all,
on this forum we are way past Barrys grasshopper chair.


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