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Am I sick? Do I ne...

Am I sick? Do I need help?  

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Orleans USA
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Posts: 220
01/02/2011 6:21 am  

I know a few of you in the past have knocked on front doors to ask if you could buy a chair on their front porch? Right?

Texas / Louisiana state line on I-10. Five minutes from that state line is a home with a red orange Herman Miller fiberglass chair in the front yard. Someone please go knock on their door and ask to buy it. It's being abused. I kick myself for not stopping yesterday and saving her. Yes, I personify chairs.

Noble Member
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01/02/2011 7:17 am  

i don't know...
it's pretty backwoods around there.... is in on the orange side or lake charles side?

Orleans USA
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01/02/2011 7:23 am  

it is backwoods there
It's on the orange side. I was coming from the south and right as I was about to hit I-10, it was on the left side. It may have even been the last house on the left....maybe the second to last.
When I got onto the interstate, i recall the Texas Welcome Center on the other side (westbound) not too far at all.....less than a mile.

Orleans USA
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01/02/2011 7:33 am  

more precise location...
I was on 90 heading North. I think 90 is also called Simmons Drive. Around where Simmons Drive and Riverside Drive intersect...right before the on-ramp onto Interstate I-10W.
Save her...please:)

Illustrious Member
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02/02/2011 11:54 pm  

I sympathise. For 2 years I...
I sympathise. For 2 years I have daily walked past a house watching a McCobb wood-seat side chair slowly rot away on the upstairs porch.
I've never knocked on the door, because I am pretty sure that path leads to me becoming the chair equivalent of a cat-lady.

Estimable Member
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03/02/2011 3:05 am  

or a human skin lampshade!
or a human skin lampshade!

Illustrious Member
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03/02/2011 3:38 am  

That is where the Deliverance...
That is where the Deliverance boys live.

Illustrious Member
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03/02/2011 6:04 am  

You are not sick.
You do not need help. You need a red orange Herman Miller fiberglass chair.

Active Member
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03/02/2011 3:14 pm  

you should change your name
to Herman Miller Jesus.

Orleans USA
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06/02/2011 9:52 pm  

Story Time
I once dated a girl and will paraphrase a few of her statements.
"I think my parents have some type of Herman Miller chair in their attic since I was a little kid. It's one of those chairs with the foot thingy. The name of it is a number or something."
I showed her the background of my iphone which was a 670 and 671. She said, "Yeah that's it." Some people.....

Illustrious Member
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07/02/2011 2:58 am  

Interesting that
her parents referred to the chair by its number (how else would she recall that detail) -- don't you think ?
Wonder what else they had ?

Illustrious Member
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07/02/2011 2:41 pm  

... once dated a girl
Does she have a sister?

Illustrious Member
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07/02/2011 4:28 pm  

There's a pair of really nice...
There's a pair of really nice arm shells on a porch a neighborhood over. However, the neighborhood over is a tad rough. In the past I have done silly things like knock on doors. Dunno. Kinda want to, but I don't need any more chairs. I would just sell them, and I think that would make me feel bad. I could just tell them what they are, but I doubt they'd be racing to put them on eBay.
Good lookin' pair they are.

Orleans USA
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Posts: 220
10/02/2011 1:11 am  

your call
whitespike: seriously bud, this world is full of people with different types of knowledge....knowledge to design a building properly, knowledge of art, knowledge of mcm stuff, etc. People benefit from what they know. Since you have a vast knowledge of mcm stuff, you should benefit from that, right? I'm sure Joe-Smoe in the nearby rough town, has no interest in selling his two chairs. He doesn't give a cr@p about anything besides wifebeaters and pitbulls on chains. (just an assumption maybe he's a smart, nice guy:) So you should benefit from the chairs and make someone else happy to own them. Give ole Joe-Smoe 40 bucks and say you need outdoor furniture to match your existing. Then jump on Ebay and sell them for primo dinero...reap your benefits!!
The world is a business. I hate needing money but I love having it.

Trusted Member
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15/02/2011 7:19 pm  

i was feeling bad too about using my knowledge for profit, so thanks for posting.

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