Design Addict


Alf Svensson  


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17/10/2008 10:25 pm  

Does someone have informations about the swedish designer Alf Svensson (1929-1992)? I would be very greatfull for every hint or advice...
Thanks a lot

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19/10/2008 9:13 pm  

All I know is he did a lot...
All I know is he did a lot of his better known work for Dux, a Swedish furniture maker, including the "Form" series of easy and lounge chairs designed in the 1960s and 1970s, and perhaps even later than that. I used to have the "Form 8", designed with Yngve Sandström in the late 1960s (Picture 1). I found it to be very comfortable. But these are all examples of his later work. In the 1950s he designed more traditionally Scandinavian looking pieces, such as the 1953 "Te-Ve" (probably his most popular design, see Picture 2) and the 1955 sectional chair for the H55 fair (not sure of its name, see Picture 3). I think his style was rather eclectic, and his designs may not be easily recognized.
Edit: Fixed image links.


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