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Airline Seating rev...

Airline Seating revisions...are we off to battle?  


Sound & Design
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Illustrious Member
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24/09/2009 1:50 am  

For a short flight it wouldn'...
For a short flight it wouldn't bother me, much like a city train trip, a little back support for the window seats would be good. About 2.5 hours would be my limit...what about take off and landing? Being forced sideways into your neighbours newspaper wouldn't be very good...oh I see they're staggered, even so some sideways support would be good. I think too that they could compensate for the barreness of the design with some more attractive finishes. What about carry on bags? Surely there are safety regulations about tripping over bags in the event of a crash.
I'm always uneasy about any airlines cutting corners though, suspicious that safety will be the next thing to go, do seatbelts work as well side to side as front to back?
Not really convinced by the image but I think its a worthwhile challenge for a design and engineering team prepared to concentrate on the ergonomics.
Anyway there should just be more trains, I saw this video last week, its a bit boring for a while but once you get near the end its very exciting, even if it does make you feel a bit sick in the stomach.


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