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Advice on Ekorne St...

Advice on Ekorne Stressless Sofas?  

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Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 4:15 am  

Has anyone owned or used these. I sat in one today and liked it alot.

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 7:11 am  

No offense, but they aren't...
No offense, but they aren't very attractive. That's my advice.

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 7:23 am  

No offense taken...
I agree that the one's pictured are pretty homely. But Ekorne had one with bent wood ends that is not pictured in the link I posted. I couldn't find a picture of the one I liked. It was VERY comfy and quite handsome, though.

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 6:27 pm  

That's good... if you find a...
That's good... if you find a photo be sure to post it!

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 6:54 pm  

Yeah, I gotta go with Whitespike
F-ugly! But function should go before form so if there is a better looking one out there, it's be nice to know about.

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 9:20 pm  

Hello DC..
That sofa is pure ugliness! You posted it just to liven things up didnt you or maybe your computer screen needs a scrub.Is it called Stressless because of its lumbar relaxing properties i wonder?, i think i would rather have backache.I always buy things i love the look of (mostly) and then suffer with it later!.

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 11:01 pm  

Based on exit polling results just in...
Ekorne stressless sofas are considered aesthetic nightmares. 🙂
Coming quickly to my own taste-defense, I DID say the one I liked was not pictured.
I know, I know, you're thinking that any company that made the ones pictured COULDN'T have made something good looking. But I swear on a stack of Eames' articles that it was good looking, at least to me.
Actually, I'm invigorated by everyone's, um, frankness.
At the same time, I am now deathly afraid of actually finding an example of the one I liked. 🙂

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 11:21 pm  

This is funny! Don't be afraid, we won't bite ... at least I won't. My response was definitely not in order to squash anybody's taste or to elevate the visibility of mine. I have seen you on here a while, and as a fellow addict I must dutifully save my fellows from bad purchases. I have made them myself 🙂
That being said, attractive or not, I usually find it hard to make myself buy a product from a company that is willing to produce ugly ducklings. I like to spend my dollars on manufacturers who "get it" rather than those that stumbled upon a decent design by chance.
If lay-Z-boy came out with a decent looking sofa, I would still avoid it. That only gives them the capital to keep manufacturing the other horrific items. That's just me though. Perhaps I am just an over-stuffy design communist bastard.
Give money to those who care about your aesthetic sensitivities!

Illustrious Member
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18/01/2007 11:55 pm  

Boy, I REALLY don't want to have to go through this, but here goes...
The good news is I found the love seat/sofa I was talking about...
The bad news is it was one of the ones that you all hated. 🙂
Okay, so where are the nearest medieval (or perhaps modernist) stocks that I can go to to be put in and publicly flogged for my offense against good taste and design?
And, Vivienne, I'm telling you right now, drink or no drink, I refuse to go down to LA to one of those reputedly dank black and blue parlors for this sentencing and punishment. Public shamings must be public and in the town square of the most bourgois community available. 🙂
The bent wood model I like is called Pegasus. It comes in high and low backed versions. The one I liked was the low backed version, though the high backed version would be even more comfy, I suppose, though I didn't see it. Also not that the one I saw had the beautiful bent wood arms exposed, rather than covered by leather pads--a frankly tacky and unecessary effect. I say this in desparate defense of myself. It really does look good without the leather pads shown in the pictures and is quite comfy without them.
I know, I know, I've fallen under the evil spell of the Norwegian equivalent of an American barcalounger manufacturer. Well, I never said I was a professional, or even a talented amateur.
My attorney has advised me to throw myself on the mercy of the court and rationalize as follows: your honors, my feeling is that just as designers must be permitted to be awful from time to time in order to grow as artists, so too must laymen be permitted to like dubious things in order to grow as connosieurs. Also your honors, it looks alot better in person than in photographs, though I confess, your honors, that I may have been under some kind of evil commercial show room spell and it is possible that it IS too ugly for words. Ahem, there endeth my defense. I can't help myself, I do like it. There, I've come clean.
Click the link, scroll down to Pegasus, click, watch the two picture slide show (one of the slides actually has people in it acting like people, rather just the furniture posed as art) and commence the 50 lashes. 🙂

Illustrious Member
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19/01/2007 12:20 am  

Link didn't work well
So I just googles Pegasus Ekornes and was rewarded wtih several photos of an unattractive sofa. Sorry, dc, just can't go ther ewith you. But I do respect your demand that furniture be comfortable. I agree 1000%, but I need the aesthetics to be there for me too...and this one ain't it.

Robert Leach
Illustrious Member
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19/01/2007 12:25 am  

There's a light at the end of the tunnel
These things have great resale value ;o)

Illustrious Member
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19/01/2007 12:55 am  

I love how well you have taken it. Comical and you have had the balls to stand for your opinion. More power to you. I still think it's fugly tho 😉
There are more options out there - comfy and handsome. Shall we provide links?

Illustrious Member
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19/01/2007 1:14 am  

Seen it!!...
Yes i saw it DC as the link worked for me..still quite ugly though honey im afraid,and when i say "quite" i really mean "very".Also is that a gun in the guys pocket or is he just pleased to be sat on a Pegasus?.Re. the punishment..drink or no drink (im back on it now im clean!) i will be there watching baby!!.

Illustrious Member
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19/01/2007 3:55 pm  

Okay...that's over...

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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19/01/2007 5:40 pm  

DC if you click on the link you posted then click accessories then either Modern/classic or "Island?" the page effect is the same feeling i get when i open my wartorn eyes in the morning! same speed to.

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