Design Addict


Advertising in the ...

Advertising in the forum  


Estimable Member Admin
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 91
27/10/2014 4:50 pm  

Since the launch of the new version of Design Addict, some of you were opposed to the emergence of advertising in the Forum. We obviously paid attention to your comments (as always) and we thought about the best way to satisfy you while remaining realistic.Before explaining the solution we propose, it is useful to remember that if the use of the forum is free for all, its maintenance, the hosting and all the work behind it has a cost. As we never wanted to consider charging for the use of the forum, we had to find ways to finance its functioning. Advertising is the easiest and most obvious. The vast majority of visitors of the forum are people who come to seek useful information and leave without necessarily participating in discussions. No worries about that, of course, we often visit forums without being active. But as they do not contribute to the content, it is also normal that they support Design Addict by accepting the presence of advertising which income allow us to give them free access to a vast resource of information. Concerning the regulars, who are the soul of Design Addict and who generously contribute to the rich content of the site by sharing their knowledge, we find it quite normal not to bother them with advertising. That is why, starting from today, "contributors" as soon as they log on the site, will no longer see advertising and announcements in the forum threads and below them. Fair enough? P&A PS. Who is considered a contributor? All members who have a minimum of 100 posts in the forum or whose quality of participation seems to deserve that title.PSS. As we are concerned about the quality of experience for all visitors to DA, without exception, we will soon review the type of ads displayed in the forum and also its quantity.

Noble Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 268
27/10/2014 10:57 pm  

Excellent news.  Another request that would be particularly useful is the addition of page numbers at the top of each thread so you can skip right to a specific page without scrolling all the way down.


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