Design Addict


Adrian Pearsall cha...

Adrian Pearsall chairs/vanished catalog/craft furniture tag  


Noble Member
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Posts: 262
06/03/2014 5:58 am  

so, once i got over the red velvet upholstery...i was excited to find these walnut chairs...with a 'craft furniture' tag on them... so i thought of Adrian Pearsall and was so grateful to his estate and loved ones that they had put up such a complete online resource...
BOOm! alas, the catalog has been removed (I would assume since some people think one groups generousity is cause to expoit and rip off anothers lifework without acknowledgement or compensation...)
so I was wondering if anyone was wise enought to download that catalog and would be willing to check if these chairs show up within its pages?
Also, does anyone know if the tag is correct for a Canadian deriviative of Craft Associates perhaps? Any info or input sincerely appreciated

<img class="wpforo-default-image-attachme

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06/03/2014 6:51 am  

I haven't seen any Pearsall legs which resemble this. I'm fairly certain these are not designed by Pearsall. Also, I've looked at that catalog on the site many times in the past prior to it being removed and don't recall every seeing these.

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06/03/2014 7:04 am  

hi avi, I know the legs are funky...I should have mentioned they were with this table..(not my pic) which was definitely Pearsall but not for sale...the son says he remembers when the chairs were used with the table when his stepmom and dad first got together many years ago...these were in storage and the table was being used with a different set of chairs....and i got under it and looked at it and it was the real deal....
I am confused by your sounds like you are saying you do not think the evidence supports the attribution but then you say you think he designed the sentence missing the word NOT?
thanks for chiming in 😉

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Posts: 146
06/03/2014 7:13 am  

Woops! I'll edit the 'not' in...
Woops! I'll edit the 'not' into that. My mistake! Yeah, I guess nothing really adds up for me. It doesn't look much like a Pearsall construction, and the only thing on the tag that is relatable is the word "craft," which doesn't really narrow anything down in the scheme of things.
While the chairs do have that biomorphic feel, I'd be shocked to find out that these are in any way related to Pearsall.


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