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Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 431
01/02/2007 2:31 am  

And yes...
Raise the price..

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
01/02/2007 3:47 am  

Hi Jennifer,
...At least you succeeded in getting more attention than most...Let me be honest about it. I am not in your market segment. I have no sentimental connections to bullets or any other far-west paraphenelia but I am sure that a substantial amount of people are. As Vivienne suggested they are numerous enough to make you rich. I disagree with raising the prices for two reasons. The first one is that people with a larger budget probably are looking for a larger table. Even in my modest home, our "cofee table" is larger tahn the pieces you are showing. So yes raise the prices but only for larger pieces. The other reason why I would be careful with higher prices is that you are working with an Indonesian manufacturer that is selling to many more people than just you. If you raise the prices other people might come on the market with very similar products at a much lower price. You have to wait untill your reputation is such that people will refer to your products as "a real Jennifer Ramon"...than you can raise the prices. In the meantime try to get larger sizes out of your indonesian source and ask them to make them just for you. On those you can ask a much higher price point.
I hope this is of any help.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2054
01/02/2007 3:49 am  

people should
refer to it as "a real Jennifer Ramos" of course...not Ramon, That's Juan Valdes' son, sorry for that...stereotypes you know....

Prominent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 193
01/02/2007 5:52 am  

Not really my personal style
However, as I was clicking through your website, I was thinking that some of your designs would look cool on a cube ottoman or some other small footstool.

New Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 4
01/02/2007 11:32 pm  

THANKS, i will eventually be...
THANKS, i will eventually be doing more furniture styles in the future.

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