Design Addict


1st dibs update  


Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
16/10/2007 8:16 am  

Marketplace activity is stronger than ever - over the summer we surpassed 800,000 visits per month with reported monthly sales of over 2,400 units, generating over $500,000 a day in sales. With a turn-over rate of nearly 60% per month (4,000 listed and 2,400 sold monthly) you have to move quickly to get 1stdibs.

have you ever read more bull crap? this poster boy is at it again, claiming sales that he really had very little to do with,
He likes to think that he made the sales and cause of 1st dibs they sold , I think he needs to change his name to something real classy like uh .... like .... EBAY .... yes thats it something real catchy that none of us has ever heard of..

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
16/10/2007 8:29 am  

This is what I am saving my money for, a king charles spaniel dog lish holder
I only need $4155.00 U.S. dollars and it will be mine for the fabulously low price of $4200.00 a real steal and great for the modern house, for the doggie lish, love it, love it, please do not buy this and snipe me I am going to have a garage sale and sell some of my MCM chairs maybe the Eames lounge chair for this, even exchange,

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 2967
16/10/2007 8:39 am  

i appologize
I am so sorry i misinformed on you great readers on this international forum I misquoted the dog leash and if you want to be a good reporter you must at least have your facts correct the corrected should read English Accent Antiques
Terra Cotta Dog Head Leash Holder
H. 11 in., W. 8 1/4
Price: $4,750 I was $500.00 off on my last quote, This seems like only a idiot would buy this, I personally want to meet the fool who buys this ,
I sure hope it is not Ralph Lauren cause it would destroy every thing that i feel for him. I think he is great and the coolest so i hope he will not buy the English dog leash.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 818
16/10/2007 1:51 pm  

On a serious note,Are you...
On a serious note,Are you suggesting that he is claiming that all sales through any first dibs linked shop even if the punter walks in off the street or are you suggesting he is soimply inflating all the figures ?
Are there any decorators here ? Do you buy stuff through first dibs even if you have not seen it in person ?//

Eminent Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 26
19/10/2007 6:37 am  

Bergdorf Goodman at the mall? know i am right with you on all of this pomp and pageantry of 1stdibs and founder co-opting sales and monopolizing the "design" e-commerce business. i have stated before he has the mentality of a suburban mall developer, which brings me to the most recent of "developments" on 1st dibs. BERGDORF GOODMAN has now joined the mall. so be on the lookout for a bergdorfs near you.
since when is it important for an online magazine(1stdib), or any other catalog or trade magazine to constantly boast and brag of "record" sales to its customer base and not only boast but to also continue co-opting and assuming the glory for these sales? how tacky! i thought this site was about "art" and antiques and those looking for a resource to buy "art" and antiques. i think it is fine to expand the venue of ones business and keep it moving forward but it isn't cheap and tacky to do it under the guise of DESIGN RESOURCE GUIDE. but let's call it and see it like it really is. it has clearly moved beyond the focus of character and dealers of integrity. i am always seeing THE SAME big money making stores/dealers and now decorators forever showcased. It's all just a big circle jerk for these same people. (think high school) do you really think these smaller stores that he has coerced and bullied away from other sites are contributing to his big number "record" sales making 1stdibs the be all end all. i don't think so. i will say again it is about greed and ego. we all know what it is. we all know 1stdibs exists. i want to know from the dealers who decided not to give other sites a chance and the opportunity to grow and to grow with the sites, (and they were selling on the other venues) are they satisfied with their decision to follow along behind the big guns? are they still selling and are they happy with being buried beneath piles and piles of overpriced merch? i like the idea of an online magazine! i like to see what "new" design is being forecast from our talented stylemakers in the industry, but really, do i need to know or do i care what the founder and president of 1stdibs deems is credible as far his co-opted sales are? remember, 1stdibs is exactly that. a "magazine". all those dealers pay "rent" for space to be on line to show their merchandise. he is merely a broker. those sales belong to shop owners. so please, if one wants to enjoy the magazine, great! if one wants to focus purely on looking at product and product only, also great. i will say again you have options.


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