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1st dibs royal rip...

1st dibs royal rip of the week  

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Illustrious Member
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16/07/2007 4:13 am  

quoting the beloved "LR...
quoting the beloved "LRF is a real person"
oh yes he is a real person !!!!! damn straight about that .... and he says to the beloved and any one else who is intelligent enough to voice your opion good for you!!! go for it,,, don't be a wooooose or afraid to state what you think whether it be right or not so right .
These forum is a good thing.. It is not the Yale School of Architecture or the Harvard School of Design it is just a bunch of down to earth people who enjoy having a conversation about good design, the things that come with good design, ideas, and products, don't forget that dirty taboo subject about reproduction furniture that seems to piss off so many people, It even counts,
So the next time you think that you don't have the right thing to say say it anyway someone will interpret it one way or the other.

Eminent Member
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16/07/2007 5:14 am  

understood beloved. thank you. however how do you know or how do they know girlygirl had anything to with advertising for the website? i don't know. she said to viv she gets their emails. we really don't know, do we? thanks for looking out.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2007 6:17 am  

Norris, you are right of...
Norris, you are right of course. We can never know for sure...
-But if a person who is totally new to the forum, writes a first post like that, it is likely to draw the attention and suspicion of the 'veteran's of the forum.
I think it was pretty obvious...

Eminent Member
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16/07/2007 6:41 am  

i suppose it could misconstrued as obvious. perhaps they had been "lurking" for some time and decided to post. who knows, who cares. i really want to get back to the discussion of dealers and their overpriced merch. (again, why i mention some of these other sites outside of the 1stdibs exclusive club). some pieces most definitely deserve hefty price tags because of provenance or said number of pieces produced by a particular designer, original condition etc... therefore making them special and rare. but what about some of these more ordinaire pieces we see repeatedly? what do you guys think about the repetitive and predictable look of the moment?

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2007 8:48 am  

What is the look of the moment ? you are a designer what are your clients wanting . I like Milo Baughman Karl Springer, Mies, Paol Henginston, Robert Sonoman Verner Panton. and Waren Planter. I like pop 60's a lot !!!!! the colors the chrome and Lucite . I think it is s great look I like to think that I coined the world POP 60's cause i really never heard it that much in the Design community. but I think it will be one of the next big movements that we will see cause of all the cool
stuff. fabrics, lights, and new things that you can add to the old.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2007 9:08 am  

Karl Springer
I think Karl Springer gets so abused on 1 st dibs it is sad . The poor guy is spinning in his grave and being pissed off. I am the proud owner of 3 Karl Springer lamps that i have had for a long time , I check ebay on a daily check to see if any cool lucite lamps pop up cause i love looking for cool lamps. These jerks and that is what these a people are, are buying Lucite lamps for 75 to 225 for a set putting them on 1st dibs and telling the world that these are Karl Springers, and asking 5000 grand for the pair. Now I know what Karl did in the 70's and 80's He died in 1990 at the age of 60 of AIDS he was a good designer and did the high fashion apts and did three in my building when i lived in the New York city on CPW from 1979 to 1989 Karl never manufactured a thing in his life , he was truly the designer to stars at the time, He would have stuff made up for people in workshops around the city, He was not George Nelson, Milo Baughman,Mies, Valdime Kagan, He was a DESIGNER and a good one like Billy Haines, or Robbsjohn Gibbons , for his time, he was not in the manufacturing buiness like knoll. He loved cocktail tables and sideboard and was crazy about haveing them done in exotic skins. I have one of his tables . This guy is not here to defend himself and say i never made anything that ugly or saying copying a piece of my furniture is the sincerest form of flattery . This is what really started getting me so pissed off with first dibs casue these guys/gals were listing anything that they thought the public would think was Karl Springer and telling innocent dimwits that " This is a original Karl Springer"
I hope now you see why i like to be the one to post the 1st dibs rip of the week.

Eminent Member
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16/07/2007 6:40 pm  

i most definitely appreciate your insight and understand your frustration. this is also part of my frustration with the dealers and their self entitled attitudes about pricing, thus the gouging of real and not so real name brand pieces. a bunch of sheep wanting to get on the gravy train. i would like to know how all these most recent dealers who have been "accepted" on 1stdibs really feel about being exploited for the gain of a takeover by ?????? are the new dealers really getting support and taken care of by the team at 1stdibs. it would be interesting to see if the smaller and lesser stores are selling on 1stdibs because they are never listed on top 20 picks. this is how it all starts. see? if they are not selling on 1stdibs because they are not considered fancy and worthy they will then need to follow like the sheep they are and start jacking their prices to stay in the game and get recognition

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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16/07/2007 7:02 pm  

I think it must be ...
I think it must be reputation, product, and the network,
Just like you and me We know what we like so these guys also know what we like and what is valuable and has potential .
I try to always look out for the little guy. (started 50 years with a Passover haggadah about the guy who could not ask the question cause he did not know how too, )
I started this thread 6 months ago and it is still lingering around
People love a deal,good,fair, but never a bad deal. I feel lst dibs gives you a bad deal cause you are looking at there sight. and they think you can not live with out it , you have so much money, or just plain light in the brain dept, If they would be just upfront and say we have to mark it up or we would not stay in business i think customers would be more incline to say "you know I agree with you" go for it , but to do stupid stuff by marking up Lucite Lamps on ebay that they are buying for 75.00 bucks and selling for a unsigned Karl Springer for $2500.00
The public/customer will only allow that for so long, The management of 1st dibs as stated, not by me, but others is more concerned with his own personal self image and building up his profile, so that he can say he is largest selling antiques/modern furniture seller in the world . larger than Christies and Sotheby's yeah right.....

Eminent Member
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16/07/2007 8:45 pm  

right on
exactly. EGO. he is blatantly co-opting sales by the auction houses as if the sales on 1stdibs were his own doing! please. dealers made those sales. i will say again for unsatisfied dealers or dealers needing a venue to "advertise" their inventory, there are other choices out there for you and you will be treated with regard and respect. your items will not be buried either.

Illustrious Member
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16/07/2007 10:35 pm  

Norris perhaps you can name a few I can only think of creigs list (lower end stuff) ebay (middle of the road to anything goes) I know it is hard to find a good one I have not be to impressed with vintage and modern how about you?

Eminent Member
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16/07/2007 11:04 pm  

i receive mail from vista, vintageandmodern, i am logged into decorati and there is another one called blink. you know, what is there to be impressed about or not impressed about? i am shopping and it all depends what i am looking for. i leave no stone unturned. they are all brand new sites so try not to be too harsh on them as i am sure they are still sorting through all the ins and outs of the internet.

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