I finally bought this set originally from a estate that had collection of mid century Danish furniture. They have claimed this set is from 60'-70's. I have a very vague memory of seeing this type of furniture as being an innovation in minimalism from Denmark? by a known designer/ manufacturer. These do not have any markings - they are very well made and come apart and put to gather without any fastener. To me, it is a very interesting engineering in furniture design. Any help to ID these is very much appreciated. <img class="wpforo-default-image-attachment wpforoimg" src=" http://old.designaddict.com/sites/default/files/
I was not quite sure if the set was Danish - that is why I termed it as a question. I have seen a club or lounge chair of this couple of years ago. So, it still make sense to me that these are made somewhere in Europe. The thirteen layer plywood
is European specimen. This is definitely not a home made...! the precision cut and finish along with how the pieces fit together with tolerances around 1/32" - 1/64" leaves no doubt in my mind that these were made with a very sophisticated tooling and jigs ( I was a manufacturer). Thank you again both for your feedback.
I just spent 30 minutes googling about with no luck. I focused on the desk as I suspected that might get me better returns (sooo many chairs). I tried:
modern/mid century/danish/european/flat-pack/modular/breakdown/plywood/assembly/kit in tons of combinations.
The only things I got that were even close were DIY projects.
Thank You Waffle and Foxxxy
For putting effort and time researching for this set - that shows you are a real "design addict" - a kindred in spirit...!
I totally agree with Foxxxy's assessment - this set is not home made and the trend in 40'and 50's for similar design. I do not know if this has any bearing on this issue, but when I saw these for the first time it struck me That they were very special for the design and thought process to manufacture them.
I think when in NYC last year part of MOMA's design collection featured a room that focused on early modern furniture designs for children...it seems to me these were there or something similar... Sorry that's all I got...maybe there are photos of the exhibit room or something online you could peruse?
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