It might look like a Alf Svensson chair at first but it isn't since the armrests are slightly different and the connection struts between the legs are missing, too. I had the same chair a while ago with a label by the illum bolighus in Copenhagen. But neither did I find the maker nor the designer.
The chair is made in solid oak and the seat has been reupholstered recently.
Thank you for you help!<img class="wpforoimg" src="
Having done a quick google image search, it would appear that the chair is the model "Mingo" by Yngve Ekstrom for Swedese .( Sweden)
I did not check out all of the links/images, but the ones I did have no labels unfortunately.
You could do further research for a definitive attributation.
ps; adding link for ARTNET for closed listing of your chair.
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