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walnut or afromosia...

walnut or afromosia beautifully curved lounge chair  


Noble Member
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23/03/2018 4:51 am  


well it is still snowing here...double the usual winter accumulation and we are all stir crazy...could be worse...could be looking at another nor'easter!

I am wondering if anyone recognizes the designer or manufacturer of these lovely, curved (upholstered wooden seat frame) chairs. I thought at first maybe Dutch.. Louis Van Teeffelen, but the sculpted arm at the back is so sleek and integral rather than dowel the Louis one (sorry I do not know the right woodworking terms.)

Sure would love to hear if anyone has any ideas
dsc06990.jpgdsc06996_2.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2018 3:43 pm  

Tell us about the vase, please?

Illustrious Member
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23/03/2018 4:30 pm  

Your chair is very like Model 240 Arne Hovmand Olsen ( Mogens Kold) except it does not have the covered screw on the front leg. Maybe the chair was reupholstered at some stage and this was filled in with filler.

Also any examples I have found only mention teak.I am no expert , but the chairs you posted look like they were stained at some stage.


Knowledge shared is Knowledge gained

Illustrious Member
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24/03/2018 6:56 am  

Lexi! thank you so much. Your observations were right on and very helpful for a new tract of search. It was funny where it led me and as always a great reminder of how confused attributions from the internet can be!

The closest details to mine do seem to be the Arne Hovmand Olsen for Mogens Kold albeit you are right, there is no covered screw on the front leg of mine. It does not appear that there ever was after reinspecting... Could it be a earlier or later modification on the design?

As far as the reference on my behalf to afromosia or walnut wood...i am not sure that the chair was stained...frankly it could just be patina (grime?!)

I cleaned the arms and they seem much lighter. I am including some pics of the arm wood in hopes someone might be able to narrow it down by grain...there is no open grain end pieces to photograph that I can access.

Just for the record, I do not pinterest, and I understand wholeheartedly that it is not a research source...unfortunately, often information seeking is quickly directed that way on google. I screenshot the posts I found that seem pretty odd.

I am a little confounded by the sheer amazing-ness of what popped up...surely the Arne Hovmand Olsen for Niels Moller chair #71 is somehow confused with an actual Moller '71. AHO did not design for Niels Moller did he? And Niel Moller is not known for a lot of lounge chairs is he? Ha! The next pic of the same 'teak and leather chair is attributed to AHO and Mogens Kold and does not have the front screw on the leg but the quality on mine does not seem apparent on this leather one.

The chair attributed to Folke Ohlsson for Dux is very similar to mine as well and the same chair was attributed in another post to AHO for Mogen's Kold. Anyway,

lots of misinformation out there and I am honestly no closer to know who did my chair but I sure appreciate your comments is definitely the closest I have gotten so far with the #240 AHO for MK.

Objectworship, the vase is based on (pre Jonathan Adler) version of Picasso's Dora Maar paintings. I have a nose vase in the same series (!) and I have also seen a 'lip vase' same range ( please see photo)

Illustrious Member
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24/03/2018 7:13 am  

trying to add some more photos as referred to but perhaps total limit is 6 per thread?

Illustrious Member
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24/03/2018 7:19 am  

last try

Illustrious Member
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24/03/2018 1:18 pm  

LCA, I can't help with the chair ID but the problem with posting photos may be that you are selecting photos one at a time and then trying to upload them all at once. You can select a group of photos all at once and then upload, but if you add one to the list, then another, then another, etc., each photo will overwrite the one before and only the last one will get uploaded.

I only learned this by accident. Now what I do is just put all my photos on my desktop first, then select them as a group from there, then hit Upload. It's easier to do visual comparisons on my desktop too, and to zoom in to see details.

Illustrious Member
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24/03/2018 1:21 pm  

Oh, and same concept goes for uploading from your phone--just select all the photos you want, then hit Upload, or do them one at a time but make sure you upload each addition as you go.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
Illustrious Member
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24/03/2018 11:20 pm  

The wood is walnut. I would broaden the search to the USA with that.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 4376
25/03/2018 3:04 am  

thank you for the wood ID Leif


Spanky, I appreciate your comments/ instructions

I finally got it at the end there but geez

what a clown circus on my end,

cheers to a weekend to mull it all over



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