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Vintage Chairs - id...

Vintage Chairs - identification/info requested  


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29/06/2017 3:35 am  

Can anyone tell me about these chairs? I think they look a mid century type and are made by Thomasville Chair Company and have a curved back and a triangular, yet square front on the seat. I picked them up to redo them, but I have no idea what they are. Any information is helpful.

Thank you,

vintagechair.jpgvintagechair1.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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29/06/2017 4:37 pm  

Thomasville is still around so you can always try writing to them and asking. But short of that, this is not a mid-century design though it may have been made in that time period. It's a corner chair and is very similar to many made in the 18th and 19th centuries. There are a lot of Chinese corner chairs but also English ones and maybe some American ones (I mean original antiques, not reproductions). Do a google image search and you'll find tons of examples of old ones, most with more detail than yours but the basics are the same.

Reproduction antique furniture was very popular in the first part of the 20th century in the U.S. In the 50s, furniture companies began updating some of that furniture for (I guess?) younger people who maybe wanted a fresher look...maybe? That's usually how it works, anyway. I mean people who didn't want the look of their parents' and grandparents' homes but weren't into the wild & crazy look of Danish Modern and total renegades like the Eameses.

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29/06/2017 10:10 pm  


Thank you... great idea about contacting Thomasville!

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01/07/2017 5:38 pm  

Here is what a representative at Thomasville sent me: (again, thank you for the suggestion)

This chair was made by Thomasville chair company the Collection name was MONTEREY it was introduced in 1962 and discontinued in 1968. Please goggle Thomasville Chair company discontinued collections , and it may offer you some information on this chair. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely Tammy


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