Hey there,
I picked up this stool by I believe - Vilhelm Wohlert. It is stamped Stolefabriken, Odense - Denmark. Which is the same maker as other Wohlert stools I've seen online. I just can't seem to find this exact style Perhaps it is an earlier model... My stamp (see pics) seems older than the ones I've seen on the other style stools.
Has anyone seen this stool before and can you confirm the designer? My best guess is Vilhelm Wohlert.
Also - I believe this is oak - but would love another opinion.
Many thanks!<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/8DKA6uxyLxMr
Seems like a reasonable deduction.
However, there are cases of makers developing their own designs inspired by earlier architect-designed models.
Odense Stolefabrik was a solid factory during the mid-50's. These days, they get often overlooked by (mistaken for) their city neighbor, Oddense Maskinsnedkeri.
Here are the three Odense markings I've come across over the years. I believe the plaque is the earliest.
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