I in the process of buying this Thomasville dresser and highboy, market 1978 and would like to identify the collection so I can search for nightstands that match.<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/mV6aAAC1iTNnU5Inx
Raevon1, Thomasville is not really within the scope of this site, in my experience. The topics discussed here usually involve more modern designs. While there very well might be someone here that could identify these (I am certainly not the spokesperson for the forum), I am doubtful that you are likely to get any helpful info on these specific pieces here.
Your best bet is to contact Thomasville directly, as they still exist, and kindly ask them to help establish which Line your dresser and low-boy are from. Good Luck!
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