This piece does not have any marking but it is well made with solid wood veneer walnut. It has a very fine sculpted wooden pull, my guess would be that it is from 1960's. Anyone knows about the maker of this? Your help is very much appreciated.<img class="wpforoimg" src="
Such post should be moved to the section "Identification".
I think that the identification will be particularly difficult as it does not seem to have peliculiarities of famous cabinet makers or designers. So I would say, from my little experice, being a generic piece.
Good luck
Thank you Ernest Rams for your feedback, although I concur with you on your general assessments of fabrication of any piece but in my own experience in many cases when I dismiss a piece as a generic I found out later on that it was indeed manufactured by a well known fabricator . That is the reason I submitted this to Forum.
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