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Danish Teak Sideboa...

Danish Teak Sideboard and Maker's Label  


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24/08/2021 2:38 am  

Picked up this sideboard today.  Paper label on back appears similar to others by P. Westergaard (or Vestergaard) Mobelfabrik in Silkeborg . Erik Rasmussen is written in after the "Fa.", which I read in older thread stands for Fabrikant or manufacturer.  Then there's a ink stamp that I can't fully make out.  It appears to be Erik Rasmussen across the top.  Then something that kind of looks like Mobel & Einkisdemagasin in the middle.  And then Westergaard 25 Silkeborg across the bottom.   Can anyone make out what the stamp says,  and does anyone know anything about an Erik Rasmussen? 

I found other sideboards of a similar style made by Westergaards, but they were attributed to other designers, such as Borge Seindal and Hans Jorn.  And the DFI has nothing on the company or any of these designers. 

This topic was modified 4 years ago 5 times by mark737

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24/08/2021 11:07 am  

Hi @mark737, Erik Rasmussen was a furniture shop in Silkeborg, Vestergade 25.

By the way, the second word in the middle means Ligkistemagasin, means that they also manufactured coffins.


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24/08/2021 2:50 pm  

@fredhh  Thanks so much for the reply and great photos. So, Vestergade 25 was the street address, and looking at the paper label again, the letters don't match up with the P. Westergaard labels.  Actually, the torn logo in the left corner looks like it might be of Silkeborg Møbelfabrik, but the first letter of the name at the top looks to be a W, and I see that Westergaards dropped the P from their label at some point.  

And on another note, the "Fa" on this label and others appears to indicate the recipient, not the maker.


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24/08/2021 4:44 pm  

@mark737.Have no information on history etc for  Westergaard Mobelfabrik but just adding to the conversation !

However, it is interesting to see all the labels for the different recipients of their furniture.

One label caught my eye. (Fa.) Asbjorn Mobler, another retailer of Danish designer furniture, who also had a thriving export business . 

Posting image from an Asbjorn trade catalogue with address information and also the Westergaard label for Asbjorn Mobler. You will notice the same address.



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24/08/2021 5:28 pm  

@lexi  Thanks for the reply.  Just to add a few more bits of info I found:    A death notice for Peter Vestergaard says he was born in 1917 and died in 1977, just after celebrating his 60th birthday and the company's 25th anniversary, making the start date 1952.   P. VESTERGAARD MØBELFABRIK A/S of Silkeborg was incorporated in 1971 and dissolved in 2001.  In 1990 they opened a fourth factory in Silkeborg for 50 million DKK.

There is what appears to be a date handwritten on the back of my sideboard of June 1975.  That would make it newer than most of the pieces I found online.  So maybe they changed their label and added a WM logo at some point.  


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24/08/2021 10:44 pm  

... it doesn't solve the problem, but Fa. means nothing else than "Firma" (company).

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24/08/2021 11:05 pm  

Thanks for clarifying that detail @fredhh .  The only other thread on DA that discusses Westergaard also had a very informative response from a Danish member who explained what all of the words and abbreviations on their label meant.  He wrote that Fa stood for Fabikant,  but Firma makes more sense. Unfortunately since its an older thread all of the photos are gone.


leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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02/09/2021 3:03 pm  

I have a 1963 P Westergaard catalog. No designers are given. And this piece is not in there

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02/09/2021 3:41 pm  

Thanks, Zephyr.  It feels more like 70's production to me, so I'm thinking the 16675 on the back is probably a production date.  

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02/09/2021 8:05 pm  

Hi @mark737, to me it looks more like a 50s model, and the Erik Rasmussen shop went down in 1972, as my Danish friend says.

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02/09/2021 9:22 pm  

@fredhh  Interesting, thanks.  I guess that's not a date of manufacture on the back then.  It felt more like 70's to me because the chipboard is failing in some spots and the overall quality seems lower, which I tend to associate with the 70's and 80's.  Doing some research though I see that chipboard was used as early as the 40's in furniture and was actually more expensive than solid wood in the early years.        

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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03/09/2021 3:27 am  

I would guess it is from the very, very late 1950s at the earliest through to some time in the mid to late 1960s.


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