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Set of 4 Kai Kristi...

Set of 4 Kai Kristiansen Dining Chairs  


Kevin Wilson
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05/02/2018 2:18 pm  


Can anyone identify that these chairs are by Kai Kristiansen please? if not do you know who they are designed by?

Many thanks Kevin

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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05/02/2018 4:02 pm  

I doubt those are Kai Kristiansen. I would suggest you try to figure out who the maker is first. Post more photos of the underside, joinery, whatever.

Probably from the late 1960s.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2018 5:33 pm  

laid back chairs.

leif ericson - Zephyr Renner
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05/02/2018 5:43 pm  

Designed to enhance bad posture! The slouch chair. These adverts they write themselves.

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05/02/2018 7:10 pm  

The lower half of the chair looks pretty much as the model 31. But the chair backs are completely not Kai Kristiansen style in my opinion.

Illustrious Member
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05/02/2018 7:34 pm  

The only similarities I see between your chair and the KK 31 chairs are 1) turned front legs, and 2) exposed tops of front legs. Based on those criteria, half of Danish chairs could look like KK.

In fact, I see many more differences than similarities between the bases, including: 1) only front legs turned for yours, all four legs turned for KK 31, 2) side rails of your chairs constant depth, tapering depth of side rails for KK 31, 3) side rails part of back leg and backrest side frame for your chairs, side rails independent for KK 31, 4) front leg tops higher on your chairs, lower on KK 31, 5) haunched ends for the front rail for your chairs, no haunches for KK 31, 6) side rails higher the front rail on your chairs, rails mostly aligned on KK 31.

That was just at a glance without detailed photos.

leif gave you some good advice in trying to determine designer/manufacturer. Trying to compare vaguely similar design motifs with well-known chairs will probably not be very fruitful.

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05/02/2018 8:55 pm  

I believe these chairs would go with a low "gaming table." That's why they have such a low slung angle too them.

Illustrious Member Moderator
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05/02/2018 10:51 pm  

Is it just a combination of the flashlight, my bad eyes and my apparent lack of expertise or do these chairs look like mid century Danish style walnut chairs made in America?

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)

Illustrious Member Moderator
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21/03/2018 11:14 am  

Just found them. They are british, McIntosh.

"People buy a chair, and they don't really care who designed it." (Arne Jacobsen)


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