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Real Womb Chair Kno...

Real Womb Chair Knoll Saarinen?  


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Posts: 1
02/05/2021 2:47 pm  

Hi. I'm wondering for years if my Womb Chair + ottoman are made by Knoll. Okay, there's a lot of background here. I bought the set in early 2007 at a interior specialist store in Belgium (I'm Dutch, so that's nor really far away). As I remember, the store was a certified Knoll-dealer. The Womb Chair and ottoman were, acccording to the website, at the showroom for quite a while, so the store wanted to sell the set with a large discount. I was able to buy the set for 2000 euro's (2400 dollar). Since everything looked in order (Knoll logo on the website, physical store in the Belgian Ardennes, phone number and address, lots of design furniture on the website), I bought the set online.

A guy from the store delivered the set for a 50 euro's extra. At deliverance, the chair and ottoman looked perfect. I paid in cash, which was and is not really weird dealing with furniture stores. What bothered me, was that he had no invoice or something like that with him. Since it was a showroom model, I figured they wanted to keep the Womb Chair off the books, thus not paying taxes. Again, this is quite a common practice. Earlier I bought four Paulin dining chairs from a showroom in The Netherlands, and it went same way: no invoice, payment at delivery. But back to the Womb, I was so happy with the chair that I only noticed weeks later that the chair nor the ottoman contained labels. But lazy as I am, I did nothing about it.

After 10 years the fabric started to 'bubble' a little bit at the armrests, usually a problem with re-upholstered 'curvy'chairs (I have the same problem with my re-upholstered and legit egg chair form Fritz Hansen). I wanted to contact the dealer, but I couldn'r remember were the store was located and since I switched computers at least twice, I lost all the online communication with the store. An extensive search on Knoll-dealers in Belgium yielded nothing. 

When I compare my Womb Chair to the real ones online, they match. Also, my chair and ottoman have exactly the same dimensions as given on the Knoll-website. So, is it even possible to buy such a real looking knock-off as early as 2007? Why would a legit store sell a fake Womb Chair and footstell? Was the chair re-upholstered? Or was the chair first sold to another customer, who removed the tags? 

And the most important question: is my chair + ottoman a real model from Knoll? See the link voor photo's. Like to hear from you.

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Martinio


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