Same story as before: my father/mother and aunt/uncle all chipped in and bought a "shipping container" of Danish furniture that was sent to the US by boat in the very early 1960s, or even possibly 1959.
My mom recently passed and left us a pair of "easy chairs." This is not the original fabric. In the last picture taken prior to 1975 you can see it in the original fabric.
Based on these pictures of one side chair, can anyone tell me the designer and/or style? I've searched Google images and have seen nothing similar.
<img class="wpforoimg" src="
Other folks here can give you more information than I can... but you will probably end up being advised to take really good care of them or put them in an auction house because a lot of people will want to buy this stuff from you.
Got any more vintage pictures of your mom's place? I wanna see more of that.
Yeah, I'd love to see more of the Danish stuff. You will no doubt have people ask if you'll sell it here, just be aware you have some serious treasure even in that one chair, so be sensible.
Also... You may not be entirely passionate about this type of furniture as many here are, but be aware if you let these go now, regardless of how much they might be worth, coming across more is not a completely simple job.
Be careful if you want to part with them!
I'd advise keeping them and taking really, really good care of them and getting them insured.
Thank you all so much for that key piece of information that I was missing: Finn Juhl 53.
Omigod I'm shocked at what a pair of these chairs cost today. Maybe $20k for the pair!?!
Regarding my mom's apartment and collection, what you see in that picture is no longer. My parents divorced, and my dad got much of that stuff. He later sold the "Papa Bear" chair, but should have held onto it. My sister got a couch. I got the pair of chairs, rosewood desk, side tables, etc.
The dining room table and chair I mentioned in the other post my sister and I gave back to my dad after my mom passed. He will will pass it back to us when he departs.
Thanks again for all the info!
Yeah. Exactly. I will also mention that you should reflect on whether you actually want to own these chairs. They should be properly insured. Properly safeguarded from damage. Considerately sat in. Anything at all that you have done to them should only be done by people who understand what they are handling and how to do it. Owning valuable chairs such as these comes with its downsides.
If you don't feel like owning such pieces, look for a high end auction house.
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