Design Addict


Please help me ID t...

Please help me ID this Danish chair!  


Eminent Member
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02/11/2018 7:24 am  


The person selling this online says it's IB Kofod Larsen but I've never seen one of those like this. Someone else is selling one very similar and says the design is Dux Folke Ohlsson. I'm also wondering what the time period might be. Any thoughts on this?

Much thanks!

screenshot2018-11-02at120321am.jpgscreenshot2018-11-02at120355am.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
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02/11/2018 7:29 pm  

The conventional wisdom answer for a long time was that Kofod Larsen designed your chair. However, recently uncovered information, by someone on this forum, clearly states that it was instead designed by Lawrence Peabody, who was Selig's Director of Design in the early 1950's. After he left and Kofod-Larsen was contracted to design chairs for Selig, a couple of early Peabody designs, including yours, became lumped in with Kofod-Larsen's later designs.

The attached Selig catalog cut has printed text which states Kofod Larsen as the designer. His name is struck out in pen afterwards. Whether Selig intentionally put his name there, or it was an inadvertent mistake in 60's era catalogs, when early Selig history became lost . . . who knows.

I've noticed that the clunkier framed chairs ended up being original Peabody designs, while the later designs by Kofod Larsen have more elegant frames.

Illustrious Member
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02/11/2018 7:34 pm  

Here is an early 50's newspaper article that gives design credit for your chair to Peabody.

A rare occasion for a mid century piece, designed by an American, in America, but made in Denmark.

Illustrious Member
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02/11/2018 7:51 pm  

... and finally, here is a page from Dansk Kunsthaandvaerk 1955, which shows a Magasin exhibition in Charlottenborg. Surprisingly, Peabody has five chairs (your lounge chair and 4 slipper chairs) in an arrangement in Denmark with (gasp!) Wegner and Mogensen. And it seems like Peabody got the better end of the furniture split.

In an adjacent area, Kofod Larsen has a conference table with chairs.

With this page, as well as the previous US newspaper article, I think it is clear now that Peabody designed your specific chair. However, due to the Selig catalog page, the Kofod Larsen attribution will probably still live on for many years to come.

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03/11/2018 1:53 am  

I love this forum! Thank you @cdsilva!

Eminent Member
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03/11/2018 2:06 am  

The chair below is being listed as Dux Folke Ohlsson, but I'm pretty sure it's the same design as above, right?

Thanks again,



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