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Parker Knoll chair

Parker Knoll chair  


Eminent Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 27
19/05/2017 11:48 pm  

This is a garage sale find. I know Parker Knoll is British but I know nothing about their designers. Does anyone recognize this chair?

Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
20/05/2017 2:39 am  

I don't mean to be nasty about your pick up, but with the exception of the Statesman, the designers who worked at Parker Knoll don't really deserve any particular acknowledgement.

The majority of their mid century stuff is either playing catch up to the Danish aesthetic with a typically British misunderstanding of anything that looks nice or is just a take on very classic shapes and designs. Everything about Parker Knoll is function over form.

Despite all that, I am currently staring at one in the corner of my bedroom. It'll last forever, it just isn't there for show.

Illustrious Member
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20/05/2017 3:39 am  

I had to chuckle at that, owning American pieces that I view in kind. Thanks, Kyle!

Kyle Barrett
Illustrious Member Moderator
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Posts: 667
20/05/2017 4:08 am  

I am extremely glad it was received that well, so thank you. Felt a bit negative as I was posting it, but I did think it was relevant enough to post. 😛

I think America is still way better than the UK design wise. The country that spawned the Eames chair. We have some attractive high end mid century designs, but nothing like the Knoll catalog or Eames stuff. I'm struggling to think of any high end, mid century stuff of ours. Merrow Associates maybe?

Anyway, sorry for derailing!

Eminent Member
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Posts: 27
20/05/2017 5:13 am  

Your comment is read as it was intended, not a problem. I agree it is not a great piece and is clearly a clumsy derivative but if you knew what I paid for it you would agree it has a place somewhere. I will most likely give it to someone.

British design does seem to lag many other countries. In Canada there were a number of companies started post war by northern european immigrants who produced some very nice pieces. Typically not of the same craftsmanship as the Danish, but some exceptions. Ditto re the silversmiths who came from Denmark to Montreal. Some lovely work.

I am interested in the history of MCM in all the countries so I sometimes pick up the craziest pieces - and often pass them on.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 6 years ago
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21/05/2017 5:37 pm  

Kyle, yes we have Eames and George Nelson and Knoll and all that crowd---but there are mountains and mountains of mediocre (and downright bad) pieces that furniture companies churned out in an effort to piggyback off the good stuff. You can find this stuff in thrift stores and yard sales all across our huge country, and people who are new to the MCM genre often get really excited at their find---until they start studying. But it's a good starting point and one can always trade up.


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