Hello all,
I'm looking to purchase a Niels Moller chair from a seller who lives in another province (I'm in Canada). I'm hoping that the attached images will help to verify it's authenticity. The rope was recently redone. It does have a stamp on the bottom that says "Made in Denmark". That's the only identifying text on it. It's my understanding that these chairs may have had a plate on them which contains additional info, but many have fallen off over time. I know that there is a company in Australia that makes a "fake"versions of these chairs, so I'm approaching this purchase with caution. Any help?<img class="wpforoimg" src=" https://www.designaddict.com/sites/default/files/forum/2017/01/chair3
It is my experience that the minority of these chairs actually have a medallion. The early ones were unmarked and the later ones were marked with a stamp. Often times that stamp is faint, incomplete, and hidden under nails.
It looks right to me. If you can provide some more photos and the mark I would happy to look at them.
Thank you very much I was wondering since i saw the chair in a new book on Fristho with the name Olsen as designer it was licensed to Fristho fro 1954 to 1964 by M̦ller
wich explains , after your comment, the olsen name
there was also some discussion amongs collegues (congulega's in dutch amix of competitor and colegue)
now we know!
The Fristho name is very interesting and has answered a long standing question with me.
Many years ago I was offered a set of Moller 71's. When I went to view them some of the chairs looked a little 'off'. A couple of them had ever so slightly larger proportions than the other Moller chairs within the collection.
When I looked underneath they were marked as 'Made In Holland Under License'. I actually passed on the chairs but I wished I had bought them as curios as I have never seen them again since.
To the OP, those chairs look fine, I would not worry about authenticity.
If you need any help, please contact us at – info@designaddict.com