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Need help on Vintag...

Need help on Vintage Asian upholstery fabric  


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15/10/2017 11:17 pm  

Illustrious Member
Joined: 14 years ago
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15/10/2017 11:36 pm  

Looks chintzy. What more do you want? Maybe get a thesaurus?

Rick Vallejo
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Posts: 4
17/10/2017 3:23 am  

Oh boy. That's pretty interesting. So this obviously isn't it, but might I suggest you narrow your search to the Qing Dynasty? Like, 'Qing Dynasty knockoff tapestry' or something like that. Maybe you can find what you're looking for there?

Here it is:

These two seem to have similar shapes and composition.... maybe they're not too far off! Good luck.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 5 years ago
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17/10/2017 5:17 am  

That Chinese fabric has birds and animals in the print whereas OP's is just fanciful swirls. Some of the colors are the same but that doesn't count for anything, really.

You can learn more about the fiber content by burning a small swatch. Linen, cotton and rayon are all cellulose, same as paper, and will smell like burning paper and will leave little to no ash. What ash there is will be soft and easily rubbed into nothing between thumb and forefinger. Synthetics and synthetic blends will melt and have a more chemical smell.

Linen will hold a very sharp crease, almost like paper, if you fold it against a hard surface and run your nail along it to crease it---or better yet, dampen it and iron it dry on the hottest setting. You can crease cotton like this too but it won't be so sharp.

Linen is very heavy but that's more of a subjective thing.

The print quality on yours doesn't look super great. The print design looks like something that is supposed to mimic fancy fabric without putting a lot of effort into it. If you like it, great! If you're thinking of listing it on ebay or someplace, you'll be lucky to get more than a couple of dollars per yard for it, if that.


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