Design Addict


Mystery Lounge Chai...

Mystery Lounge Chair? Help, please?  


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Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 3
17/07/2017 9:04 pm  

I'm new to the forum (but not MCM), and need some identification help, please?

I'm considering purchasing this chair (solidly from the seventies, I would think) on its quality design and construction merits alone, but absolutely cannot find a clue as to designer and maker.

In my humble opinion it looks like good design. It's somewhat hard to tell from the terrible pic I took, but the flat bar does seamlessly carry around under the upholstered seat platform edge. Heavy steel (confirmed by surface rust) construction with countersunk flat head hex key bolts holding everything together. Whatever the original finish was (chrome, nickel brass, gunmetal... ?) is worn to the point of being indeterminate. Upholstery appears to be original, but, no labels anywhere.

I'm sure this would only be worth the significant restoration effort and cost if it is a top notch designer and producer... so I am at a loss as to whether to make any investment until I can make some kind of determination of that.

There are some obvious similarities to Baughman and others, but also many dissimilarities. The fact that I have searched in vain and found nothing exactly the same or highly similar gives me both hope and pause at the same time. So, I am hoping you folks will please be kind enough to please lend your thoughts and opinions?

Thank you one and all!


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