Design Addict


Milo Baughman for D...

Milo Baughman for DIA?  


Active Member
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 9
24/04/2018 8:32 pm  


I acquired this chrome dining set, as well as chrome eterage from an older couple who had it for many years, and everything seems to point to Milo Baughman for DIA, but does not have DIA label. The chairs were reupholstered approximately 10 years ago and the labels were removed, and as far as the table I can only find one reference to a dealer selling as Milo Baughman, but I know Baughman design is continuously reproduced with very slight differences. Any insight as to how I might identify the set with certainty?

mi.jpgmil.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

Illustrious Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 652
26/04/2018 6:14 am  

My insight as to how you might identify the set with certainty is as follows:

Luck, combined with,

Finding a picture of the exact same table and chairs marked,

Finding a copy/image of the manufacturer's catalog.

Contacting the suspected manufacturer, and asking them.

Finding a generous person with any of the above (not me unfortunately).

I may have missed one or two, but that is the bulk of your options. Anything short of an 'official' confirmation is just opinion. Good luck, .... lots to wade through, since just about any modern, 1960's chrome furniture has been attributed to Mr. Baughman


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