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midcentury modern w...

midcentury modern writing desk or secretary vintage two tone square drawerpulls  


New Member
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Posts: 1
18/09/2016 1:56 am  

I acquired this desk today and cannot identify its maker. Any pros on here with an idea about its pedigree?

Famed Member
Joined: 14 years ago
Posts: 361
18/09/2016 7:09 am  

I wouldn't say it has a pedigree, i've seen this same design many times with various pulls and finishes. I believe it was carried by Sears (or maybe Montgomery Ward) in the late 50's and early 60's. You might be able to check in one of the old catalogs and find it.
They usually aren't marked because Sears and MW contracted with various manufacturers to create furniture for them, and since they were done esp for the stores the manufacturers did mark or label them.

Illustrious Member
Joined: 15 years ago
Posts: 973
18/09/2016 2:59 pm  

You like it, it is all that matters. If this is the style that appeals to you, you may want to look into the pieces produced by Paul Frankl and other designers for Johnson Furniture and Paul Lazslo for Brown Saltman from the 1940s.


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