Design Addict


Made in Denmark Cha...

Made in Denmark Chair - designer?  


HangarOne Design
Active Member
Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 6
13/03/2017 10:39 pm  

I am re-posting this query as I did not attach the full pic spectrum on my first thread and cannot add pictures due to server issues. I refurbished this chair in the pics (new cushions, new fabric, webbing) and while I was working on the chair I had read on several threads that it was likely an early Kofod-Larsen design. I'm wondering if anyone has any information to help me confirm. It does not have the Selig mark, however does have Made in Denmark in the front bottom of the chair.

The chair can be taken apart and shipped flat - there are dowel pins that join the back rest and cushion seat together, as well as dowel pins that join the cushion seat to the leg base structure. The only metal on the chair are two flat (hidden) screws that attach the back rest to the leg base. The bottom webbing was a naturalized rubber and attached with dowels. I have substituted black elastic with the dowels for the base. (The webbing looks loose in the pictures as I was testing length/width.)

Any assistance is much appreciated.
20170218162542lp_0.jpg20170208151819lp.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="


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