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Joseph Cicchelli / ...

Joseph Cicchelli / Tony Paul Circle Chair?  


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Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 13
01/12/2017 11:02 pm  

Hey all,

Here is another piece that I have had for a while now and have finally found some time to research. I purchased it with the intent of just reupholstering it and selling in my store, but wanted to research it before I touched it too much.

I looked at a lot of circle chairs on google and the main issue I had in matching this one were the ball feet. Out of all the chairs I went over, I found one with ball feet like mine and the person was calling it a "Tony Paul" circle chair:

That is from their pinterest post that is no longer active so I could only link the image.

Again they called it a Tony Paul, but when I went to the Tony Paul site to ID it, I found this (last chair on the page):

The info on Tony Paul's site is that the chair came from the home of Tony's son, but ID'd it as a Joseph Cicchelli chair. The problem for me is the ad for the Joseph Cicchelli does not match my chairs ball feet from what I can tell.

Any help anyone has is greatly appreciated. I really dislike ID'ing a chair as something when I am not actually sure like many others tend to do anymore.

The photos I have are without the back attached as it is missing the screws currently. I can get screws for it and re-do the pics if anyone wants to see it put together.
dscn9198.jpgdscn9191.jpg<img class="wpforoimg" src="

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Joined: 2027 years ago
Posts: 13
01/12/2017 11:15 pm  

I have found this one that I am pretty sure is a match, and they are also calling it a Cicchelli

But that is pretty much the only one I could find with ball feet like mine. There are a lot with feet styled differently. Not sure what that really means.


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