Just picked up a new Coffee Table that we purchased second hand here in Hong Kong for $90 USD.
Its a Black Herman Miller Noguchi but I am not sure if it is genuine or not.
The glass is extremely heavy and when viewed from an angle low down shows a very jade/green colour through it.
Please take a look at the pictures and let me know of any specific identifiers that are characteristic of a genuine Herman Miller.<img class="wpforoimg" src=" http://d1t1u890k7d3ys.cloudfront.net/cdn/farfuture/ZHzzOKmJW4BQgnPpKj_yTa
Nice and sturdy. That pin is well made; I don't have reference to the details of the original. Are the cross-pins intended to keep the wood parts arrayed at the correct angle, folks ?
I believe the glass would have a thumbnail edge if original. The wood parts are not quite correct: they may actually be a bit thicker than the originals, and some curves are wrong. But the curious "breast-shaped" lobe at the connection is there, even slightly exaggerated -- so someone has been observant of an original !
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